So the next head coach will have an input on how the entire club will play from youth teams to first team? And then the next head coach after him will have input and so on, all bringing different philosophies
Yes,crop rotation and leaving certain areas fallow.This enriches the soil thus enabling you to grow better stronger players with resale value.
Blimey, 3-field strip system applied to professional football! You do realise that a 3rd of your players would be totally unproductive in this model? My original post was intended to suggest that the coach should have more autonomy at the club. It looks like there are some restrictive practices inhibiting flexibility and for the first team at least there should be some flexibility in my opinion. There are financial restraints and no one wants to see a manager get 5 players in then get sacked and a new manager brought in who doesn't use the players BUT any manager coming in needs to be able to set up the team as he sees fit given the players available and have a big impact on recruitment (if he seems decent) going forward. The board's attitude and support/respect for a decent manager is critical. Its nuanced and there are lots of issues at stake here but its being sensible enough to be flexible, particularly by the board if they believe they have a good man in charge.