..when Barnsley do well (yes I know) people on here are generally nice to one another but when there is a big loss or poor performance/s there are more insults and abuse? There must be a correlation or some kind of distribution curve that could be plotted by one of the tech savvy folks on here. N.B. I await either a very polite response or some suitable insult.
Well one correlation could be that, those who constantly criticise, moan, etc, tend not to post when things are going well/ok, or post negatively about other issues than the football
I dunno...I just feel people turn on each other when things aren't very good. There are lots of nasty, rude comments lately if you look and I think a lot of it is because the team is not doing well. Same with social media. Gets toxic when the team is not doing well. Really nasty. Lack of respect and tolerance for others....