Looks like other videos from FB have also been included in this link, this was not my intention. So if anyone is offended by any of them please accept my apologies. I’m not that teccy and thought I was just posting the one video.
We never know when to ‘read the room’, do we? We’ve even got the media team from Radio Sheffield having a bit of a piss-take out of us at the ‘Luncheon’ tweets…..
Radio Sheffield have taken the piss out of us for as long as I can remember. I refer you back to the original song in my op ,
FAO Whitey. Can you please get them to fuuck off with calling it a 'luncheon'? It's the most ridiculously arcane term and it makes us sound like a right bunch of bell cheddars. Hope this helps etc
Tbh I’ve never understood why they called it luncheon. I’ve literally never heard a single person in Barnsley use that word. Ever. Not even my Grandad.