If it wasn't already, the general election has just been lost. That image of Sunak getting piss wet through with D-Ream blasting in the background was utterly humiliating and will linger in the public's mind far longer than Ed Miliband eating a bacon sandwich.
Why did he decide to stand in the pissing rain getting heckled, when he could have picked some poncey stateroom indoors and delivered the same guff. Poor decision making again.
Everyone use your votes wisely, go to this website to find out who has the best chance of getting rid of a Tory or keeping one out. https://stopthetories.vote/
Bring it on. Time for people to vote for a change. We've got nowhere as country since embracing the "Brexit" stance, with no real plan for what that is & have done nothing about our social services, heath care, transport, technology, etc. We have banned things like on land wind farms, as Tory voters don't like it. **** them, they never give a **** about industrial towns, how they won some of those with a false, chest beating "Brexit" message astounded me at the time. You don't get fooled again, to quote the Who.
I mean, it’s not even going to be a contest. The only interest is who is going to be the unfortunate recipient of the 2024 “Portillo moment”.
I’m not liking all the talk I kept hearing over the last two days about us being at war with Russia and Sunak not wanting to be a war PM and then today a snap election is called and this article was published by Sky:
Does anyone not have three days or more food in the house? We're not particularly good at planning meals in advance and usually buy stuff to cook that day but we have tinned and frozen stuff to fall back on (as well as Pot Noodle and dried pasta type stuff).
Frozen stuff and pot noodles/dry pasta is all going to be at bit useless if there’s no power. I have food in but I definitely don’t have 10 litres of water per person per day!
I think Labour may well reveal a number of issues that will damage Reform UKs Candidate Cllr Whites reputation. My Hoyland ALL Reform seeing as the owner/boss was a Reform UK Candidate in the Hoyland Milton Ward Local Election . Strap in and watch from the sidelines
Here we go. We'll get rid of the criminal thieving party and replace them with the incompetent party who will bust the country. Would you like to be eaten by a shark or a crocodile.
Erm the national debt when the Tories got into power was just over 1 trillion, it's now almost 2 and a half trillion and has seen the biggest rise in history.
Remember when the global financial crisis happened and the Tories blamed labour. Wonder how they care to explain the biggest rise in the cost of living / energy prices that are now eye gouging - they will probably try to blame any thing except themselves. If we don’t get rid of them now people deserve they and we get.