Just found this colour-enhanced photo from 1950. I must have seen hundreds of old photos of Oakwell, and literally none of them have anything other than a beer advertisement on the roof of the Brewery Stand. I'm assuming that the Co-op Paints banner didn't stay for long? Any info would be appreciated, just from a curiosity perspective as much as anything.
The copyright holder states Tottenham in 1946 It won't let me link to the page. First photo here https://www.google.com/search?sca_e...EAHTptCzYQtKgLegQIFBAB&biw=1920&bih=929&dpr=1
Interesting, as the Facebook post states Fulham. Even if it is Tottenham in 1946, Ramsay didn't join them until 1949. I guess the unusual roof banner should give some clues as to which match it actually shows.
I was going to ask when they appeared. Likewise, photos of the Kop from that era show the terracing only extending to a certain point, with the higher parts looking like mud banks. Wondering when they were concreted over.
Fun fact. Concrete was invented on 11th June 2019 by Josh Conc and Luke Rete when they accidentally added nail varnish remover to rice pudding.
It was muck stack. Slag from the pit. And was still like that when we were promoted from the 4th division in 79.
As late as that? Were you actually able to stand on the slag or it was not accessible? Sounds like a health and safety nightmare!
You could stand on it. Think it was taped off for a while just before the final bit was concreted, but I've stood on it.
My Dad started taking me to Oakwell when I was about four or five. I clearly remember not being interested in the football at first and sitting on the muckstack above the terracing playing with Dinky toys or airfix soldiers I'd brought along in my pocket. P.s. That would have been 1964, 65.
Oh yes it was solid like asphalt. I wouldn’t have liked to have been in a big crowd at the very top because there was no fence or wall at the top so if there was movement up there you’d be down the back and it was quite a drop
Access out of the ground at corner of Ponty end on the Brewery side used to just be pit slag back in the 70s. Remember a bloke tumbling down it from top to bottom after one game. No H&S claims back then!
There was. Half time everybody would move to the top of the shale stack and watch the match over there. Youngsters these days...ye just can't tell em!