Seriously, it's hard work listening to Angela Raynor sound so angry all the time when you can clearly see it's so fake. Yes, the Tories have to go but that Labour front bench, where do they find these people. Please any more debates, send someone like Darren Jones who gets to the point and doesn't get riled by the opposition like Raynor. They must lose votes every time Raynor is sent to spearhead the charge.
Penny Mordaunt urges Conservatives to 'stand up and fight' #news #politics #currentaffairs (
While ever there's Tory pricks shooting themselves in the foot . Like Dumpling Don betting on line, 3 days before the election was called. On a 5/ 1 certainty bet. They won't get elected ever again. I have never ever witnessed as much corruption in politics in the UK like these scumbags. They don't stand a chance.
While ever Farage is spouting off about the migrants coming over ,I think your correct. This is another gimmick like the 360 million on the side of the bus during Brexit .
Would that be the reform party currently forecast by the latest polls to get about 3 seats? I’m sure they’re terrified.
I'm not reight up with the politics, but i've been watching a few bits an pieces, i got a flyer for Yorkshire party are they in general election or is it summat else i aint seen em on any tv debates, anybody.
They are, but they’re at best a fringe party. They got about 30,000 votes total last election so they’re not going to get in any TV debates
It does. Our voting system is broken and should be changed. I’m not going to be too upset about it stopping the fascists getting more seats though.
I thought Carla Denyer was the one that came across best last night. Raynor and particularly Mourdant were awful. Dare I say it, I actually agreed with some things that Farage said.
My fear bazza is the corruption is but an inconvenience for lots of voters. Look no further than Trump and his unbelievable popularity. Common sense goes out of the window with a lot of voters. Some can see no further than the immigration issue. Which overshadows the economic problems of poverty. NHS etc.
Bit of a daft question but if we changed to a proportional representation system how do they choose who gets which party as their MP?
So many different versions adopted by many countries.
Something I've also wondered, and it's far from simple. The German system seems the most comprehensible and there is still some regional weighting so the local MP reflects the voting tendencies of each area. I think! This is a pretty good explanation.
Me neither silver linings and all that. It's unlikely any party will ever push to remove the system that has out them I power. I thought at one point a SNP/Labour coalition may change that thinking but the last 2 years have seen that landscape shuft significantly. It does underline that we so not live in a ture democracy, however the older I get the more I cynically start to think that's a good thing.
Aye, it’s hard to say a system that would allow a man that openly praised Hitler to gain power would be the right system isn’t it. I still think our system is broken, i just don’t know what the right one would be. I just know that if it allows people like Farage to have any power that’s probably even worse than the current one.
I really like the French option. An open vote for whichever party and leader you want, so you're free to vote for your true favoured candidate rather than voting tactically. The top two go into a run off and you vote for the least worst option. In France the centre vote is split quite a bit, which always allows Le Pen into the run-off where she gets smashed in a two-horse raise.