Issued a “Do not travel” alert on Twitter. No accident or engineering works - looks like they just can’t staff the services. Absolutely tin pot. Meanwhile, they think nothing of issuing fines to genuine customers with tickets who accidentally get on the wrong one of two trains heading to the same place at the same time.
Really pee'd off with there cancellation notes too .. In Barnsley today "Service Cancelled due to train cr" Now that wording didn't scroll. It's obviously meant to say train crew, but it doesn't say that. And, it's not cancelled because of a lack of crew, it's cancelled because of decades of piss poor management and recruitment. I suspect the staff are on an overtime ban on.
There shouldn't be such a need for working overtime! Can't wait for the railways to be renationalised!
Is there any wonder people who can, are still working from home rather than putting up with such a service?
It's ******* disgusting. Transpennine Express are just as bad. Highest railway passengers fares in Europe. Probably the shittest service in Europe. The railways are broken.
Don't ask them in the ticket office whatever you do - had similar a few weeks back with rail replacement service . Half the message was missing asked them in office just to clarify the arrangements and was given a snotty reply along the lines of be quiet nothing to do with you ...