Thank god were in such a terrific state after the last 14 years then SD. Highest individual tax burden in over 70 years, Austerity MK1 Tory style and the biggest Con ever perpetuated on the British public who are still waiting for the millions from the Brexit bus...oh and no new referendum under Labour btw...The only thing that bothers me with Starmer is the lack of " This is what we will do" policy..Why isn't Labour attacking the Tories with a ferocious campaign cos there's plenty of ammo..
Try listening to what people say instead of listening to the lies that the Tory scum say and believing everything that comes out of their corrupt little mouths. Prime example during the recent debate the question was asked if each party. Will you ever take the UK back into the EU? Yes or no? Angela Rayner (labour): NO Penny Mordant (Tory scum) two seconds later: No but if you vote labour they will. What was the takeaway from that? For me: Labour won't and the Tory scum are happy to stand there and openly lie. For some gullible right wing people: Labour clearly will Absolutely mental Ps: it's quite literally in the labour manifesto that they won't raise taxes. The only reason you think they will is guess what? Tory scum lies
I don't care. I'm a liberal. The best of both. Except the last election where they wanted to go back into the EU.
When you earn **** all taxation matters. I haven't got an apartment in a leafy suburb with foreign holidays twice a year.
if the banks hadn't been bailed out, the direction of travel was global collapse of the whole system given the interconnection between banks. If that happened, well... i can't imagine the absolute catastrophe that would have ensued. Browns steering of the crisis along with Alistair Darling was genuinely impressive. The Keynsian stimulus that was announced afterwards that pushed money into infrastructure projects was also a very smart move, using cheap debt and the state to get the economy moving. It worked too. GDP was upticking and business confidence was rising. Then the absolute worst thing you can do after investing to generate growth is to cancel it and kill confidence and growth. Thats what Cameron and Osborne did. Purely through ideology and a cynical belief they could use it to gain power. This is the galling thing. Labour had to deal with a global banking crisis. The impact on the population was nominal given the context of what we're now enduring. And prior to that, didn't we have unprecedented growth? Something like 10 or 11 consecutive years? It's easy to dislike Brown. He was dour in the extreme. But crikey, I'm so glad he was in power when the sub prime merry go round stopped.
Only voted Tory last time because of their stance on the EU. Only voted Tory last time because of their stance on the EU. That turned out well then Steve.
Labour have explicitly said they won't increase income tax, national insurance or vat. I suspect they may tinker at some point with council tax valuations (which are massively out of date) but that should benefit those with lower value homes. I suspect they will look at equalising Capital Gains rates too. Again, this will have zero impact on the vast majority of the population, only really impacting those who have been paying less tax (such as Sunak) than they would under the income tax rates. And I know it sounds like i'm standing up for Labour... i'm not, I won't be voting for them, but I think it only fair that we trade in facts rather than tories smearing and blatantly lieing.
I haven't got a lovey villa in Spain that's cheap to visit three times a year. Are people really Labour or Champagne Tories?
Vote for what you want mate. Your choice and dont let people on here or anywhere else tell you to do something else. However, having said that you shouldnt vote Tory. If you're not well off public services, decent schools and the NHS should all matter to you. The Tories let things crumble because they wont invest and leave things to the private sector. Look at the water industry. Privatised by the Tories in the late 80's and now if we want a paddle in the sea our toes get covered in ****. Same with everything else. The entire country has turned to ****. Food banks are normal ffs. Taxes are good if they're progressive and they help build services up and cushion people against poverty. The Tories are not your friend if youre not well off.
The Tories are singing from the Donald Trump songbook. Thankfully Reform UK have the same chorus. As much as I'm opposed to FPTP, I think this will ensure that neither get very many MPs. That would suit me down to the ground.
as I recall you work for the NHS on below average wage, don't drive and have a young child to get through his whole education. In your shoes I'd be having a long hard think about which party would best represent you and your loved ones.
That's how thick both parties (and their voters) are. Both have the same ****** up bigoted ideologies but have decided to have two separate parties to split their votes and ensure neither gets many seats. ******* idiots
I think that's one of the easier things they can do and they've pledged to do it as each franchise comes up for renewal, meaning they don't have to buy out any contracts.
That's almost certain a blatant lie. I suspect you will in no way eat your underpants or indeed your trousers. They would be difficult to eat and would cause you gastrointestinal problems. You wont do it.
You seem to have really lost the plot. Genuinely quite worrying that what you are posting compared to what you are replying to seems to be pretty delusional