agreed, if you even try to explain (or ask for an explanation) no one wants to listen. Not all people who will vote reform are stupid of course, to assume so will just end up the same way as the Brexit vote, it does seem however all the politically stupid people will be voting reform.
it benefits high earners far far more than anyone who earns a low wage. More inequality. From the party who claims to be on your side. But you’ve researched that right.
I think that 1929 analogy is a good one. I dont think politicians look at historical trends though. Economic problems breed unhappiness, fear and a willingness to blame others for the problems. 6th richest country in the world should be able to counter at least some of the economic misery folk are suffering but I see little from a timid Labour party and of course nothing from the Tories. Things at the moment are playing into Farage's hands and he'll exploit it more and tell people he has a simple solution. Other parties should take more note.
I mean just categorically untrue. They should be cracking down on the tax dodging of the top 1% but that doesn't include anybody earning a wage PAYE. That's people with offshore bank accounts who are avoiding millions in tax.
Good, and the point is that higher earners don't need tax breaks which disproportionately benefit them over lower earners. It should be the other way round.
Absolutely spot on. In our extended family we’ve three consultants, one GP, a ward sister and a dentist. In light of the Tories track record over the past 45 years not one of them has voted for or will ever vote for the Tories. To them it is a calling for altruistic reasons. It is exactly the same with the many teachers I know.
I’ve done very well for myself and will vote Labour. Mainly because what the Tories have done for the pst 14 years they don’t deserve another term in office.
I received a letter from Mr Farage today; oh dear it appears the Dulwich College school fees were wasted.