https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.amp...lmed-making-racist-comments-about-rishi-sunak The mask is slipping
Here's a bit of good old fashioned racist canvassing... "If that makes me racist, then I'm a racist".
I don't think Spivy Nige is surprised at all. I'm guessing old Nige would like to be able to say the same things and probably has in private. Farage is a very dangerous man he's conning people now just like he did over Brexit I hope to god Starmer gets in and does the job because if he doesn't Farage will be PM in 2029 and that is a scary thought because if you thought the Tories were lying corrupt nasty (unts who are only in politics to feather their own nests you ain't seen nothing yet if Reform LTD get power
These are the people who make up Reform. Any Reform voter coming out with the "these people don't represent my views"'re either stupid or a liar. This is the real face of Reform and we all know it.
I don't see Reform winning an election but I think there's a very good chance Farage becomes PM in 2029 as leader of the Tories
The absolute tragedy is, under normal circumstances I'd be saying 'I'm leaving the country'...but of course he completely fkd up our chances of doing that as well.
You can do it but it’s harder than it used to be. Residential status, in Spain for example, comes at a high price with lots of hoops to jump through and stringent rules to follow if/when it is granted. A Place in the Sun neglect all that stuff
Still makes me absolutely piss myself that racist idiots vote for a man who is so dead set against immigration that he will post all kinds of lies to convince the racist idiots to go along with his idiotic ******** yet they're too thick to notice that the man they hero worship has married two immigrants
Bit like a German of Jewish heritage voting for a certain A Hitler in the 1930s. They don't think it will affect them if Farage gets in same as the daft old sods voting for him who don't realise that they'll have to fund medical insurance if Farage gets his way and Pay £25 every time they want. GP appointment . The penny will drop but probably when it's too late.
Trouble is theyre not bothered mate. Its like Trump supporters. There is nothing these people do that isn't ok. Thats the beauty of the sell. If theyre attacked its conspiracy and there are enough supporters to agree and enough oxygen on media to get airtime. Theyre a real threat.
According to the racist Farage, the comments about the rainbow flag on the police car were due the Reform Campaigner having watched the football and he was drunk, and apparently being drunk makes you homophobic according to good old Nige
It will be interesting to see how many of the racist idiots actually vote for them and their views. I wouldn’t mind betting there will be more young uns than Daft old sods, there’s one old sod here who certainly won’t be