Revised now after doing the full one Labour 37.5% Conservative 18.8% Green 18.8% Glad Labour came out on top as that’s who I was inclined to vote for anyway based on their manifesto. Seems I’m proved right.
Also, you can try political compass- To the traditional left-right horizontal line it adds an authoritarian-libertarian vertical line and places you based on answers to questions.
Pretty much half and half Green and Lib Dem, with one Labour (pensions, but to be honest I didn't really like any of those options). Vaguely surprised at some of them - wouldn't have thought that I'd have chosen the Lib Dems over the Greens when it comes to energy, for example.
I think I've done that before too. Had a crack now and I'm pretty central in the green (left, libertarian).
I think after a while, it becomes quite easy to determine which is which. Green policies display what I think most people would want in an ideal world, but the numbers seem very optimistic. Labour/Lib Dem are reasonably similar, giving more modest figures. Conservative policies tend to say they'll 'maintain' or 'deliver' what they've previously promised, which seems unlikely given they've not managed it in the last however many years. Reforms policies have clearly been written in a hurry, in blood, by an angry middle aged white man.
I was about 60/40 in favour of Green and Labour. I'll be voting Labour though because the Green Candidate in my Ward will total about 12 votes and I'm genuinely worried that Reform will run Labour close.
66.5% Labour 33.5% LibDem Political Compass Economic Left/Right: -4.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.46 I've already voted LibDem, as Labour is a wasted vote in my constituency. Got to get the Tory out.
While I like this as a tool, I don't like following it totally. For example, if you agree with all the policies of a party except one, but that one is a dealbreaker this won't show up here.
The latest poll of the Barnsley seats show what as become obvious in the last few years , Barnsley is home to a large number of racists , who would rather vote against their best interests just to keep foreigners out. I used to say what made me proud of Barnsley was the people, now the people are what makes me ashamed of my town.
43% Green 31% LibDem 25 % Labour. I would say that looks about right to me though feels odd that I’d support LibDems over Labour. I guess that reflects their drift right wards.
Used to be a good mantra until the post truth era. Now you don’t know whether the PM you vote for will be in office longer than you can keep a lettuce. So how do you hold them to policies that they may not have set? Vote for ideology, greed v service. The choice is yours! None of the candidates can magic up a solution to all our problems after this government. Give me clean rivers, a doctor when I need one, trains that run and I can afford to travel on, and the bins emptied.
Economic Left/Right -4.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian -6.31 Labour 44% Green 38% Lib Dems 18% I appear to be a an anarchic socialist mongrel?