I may be remembering it wrong but didn't the TV footage show the referees monitor in the background showing the same screens? You're right it's absolutely bonkers and needs radical overhaul. The referee expert woman explained last night that the IFAB is made up of managers, owners etc so I checked who's part of it. It's an horrendous group
We definitely saw some of it. Not sure we got everything though, and if course we weren't privy to what Oliver was hearing from Atwell in his earpiece. Can't think of any earthly reason why these dialogues should be secret.
It's crying out for someone to do something like Michael Spicer's "Room next door" videos but with the VAR conversations.
What I saw on the TV was the second the sound part showed up, where it shows contact like in cricket the commentators instantly said handball, it was after that they showed the closer up (which still wasn’t hugely obvious). Perhaps the ref saw/heard this so knew it had hit?? Not sure what the protocol is so just a thought.
England played indoors last week when sun was shining. I thought Germany was supposed to be well organised