The French far right party was founded by a Pierre Bousequet, a former commander in the Nazi Party’s Waffen-SS. Le Pen's father was a piece of **** Holocaust denier. I'm sure people in Germany had similar views as yours as Hitler swung into power. Turns out your democratic sensibilities and faith in fascists only carry you so far, the rest of the journey is not yours to know. History will find out though....
Missing the point aren't you completely with that poor example. Germans voted and elected them in and no other country would have given a damn until war broke out. It's completely different when just some sections of society refuse to accept the result of a democratic election. If this was the far right right on the riot 99% of this board would have been all over it including me, but too many seem to be apologetic when it suits a left wing agenda. Scary!
Because a failing neo liberal capitalist economy will happily deal with the far right because they will serve their purpose and keep the money flowing. Left wing parties wanting a redistribution of wealth and rights? They're not so keen on that....
No, that my friend is slippery slope indeed and would probably trigger a nuclear war in itself. Anybody who turns a blind eye to murder needs to take a long look at themselves, regardless of how bad the person is who was murdered.
What's decidedly odd is that you find people shutting down fascism "scary" in a country that was ruled by Nazis only 80 years ago. What sort of logic would actively complain about maintaining the democratic process in the face of Fascist/Nazi rule..? Eh?
Because the Right see money in the grift. They blame immigrants, brown people, the poor and working class for the problems of the nation, because it detracts from their own selfishness that has decimated the nation - and people lap it up because it gives them an easy target to blame for the problems caused by the Right. At least that's what's happened here since about 2010.
I read that the new policies under the far right government would be to restrict the jobs that dual nationals can hold, especially in government. Interestingly...
There's nothing funny about fascism and I don't wear a mask. My views on Fascists are quite clear and have been on here for anyone to read.
Like someone pointed out above. To try and prevent a democratic vote is 'Fascist'. So when you justify the riots because of a vote, you are thereby supporting that fascist view. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer living in North Korea or Russia when you are prevented from having a democratic right?
I'm pretty sure you've said nothing wrong - you've decried Fascism by using examples through History. The OP has tried for some magical gotcha, but has swung and missed.
Nothing wrong? Except condoning violence as long as it's done by the extreme left. Mask certainly did slip.