Yeah, it's weird having a government that actually intends on doing stuff and finding solutions to national issues. It's definitely their fault that they inherited a prison system already over capacity with no resolutions or backup plans in progress.
They're building one in York as we speak millsike Google it. I don't think releasing prisoners who have served 40% is justice to victims.
One in York as we speak, isn't quite the numerous prisons that were needed years ago though is it? Given prisons are full, what would your preference be. Non-violent crimes having sentences cut slightly more than they would otherwise have been (it was already set to 50%), or voilent criminals not going to prison because there is no room? That's the choice the new Government have been given in the short term.
Highest incarceration rate in Western Europe. Surely there could be some merit in reviewing the 60% of prisoners in for non-violent crimes? or the 35% on short sentences? (under 6 months proven to be almost completely ineffective compared to community work.) Especially when you consider there is no space to imprison any more - which creates the risk of more dangerous people avoiding prison.
They're not releasing murderers or rapists. They're releasing non-violent prisoners. The threshold is already at 50%, they're talking about lowering it by 10%. They're released on license under conditions. Stop the ridiculous fearmongering.
Yeah with closures they increased capacity by a whole 300 places in 14 years! The table below was provided by the previous government.
I'd rather people serve there full sentences and it be abit of a deterant. The re offending rates are very high so no doubt they will be back.
They should make prison a place where no one wants to go, make them tough as a deterrent to those who go in them. I can once remember overearing a “scumbag” in a local boozer bragging about having just done a stint in prison and claiming it was “a piece of cake!”. Make prisons tougher and that will bring numbers down. Sorry but as a country we are too soft.