Look up Norway's incarceration system. Rehabilitating prisoners leads to lower reoffending rates better than a more punitive model.
Do that and you end up with prisoners who become further hardened inside and aren't at all equipped to contribute to society when they're released. Which leads to reoffending.
Good. Get them rehabilitated and back into society to fill the jobs that the OP was moaning about in the Farage thread the other week. There were lots of jobs at his place that needed to be filled by good old British Workers. As mentioned before, these are low level non violent criminals. Ian Huntley isn't going to rock up at the job centre next Monday.
Any burglary where force is used counts as a violent crime. Theft from shops doesn't count as violent in most cases, nor should it. I'm not going to be upset about someone that stole from a shop being released 2 weeks earlier. Weird that you are.
Your stance on crime is weird. If this had been happening 2 months ago you would have been slagging the others off. Prison rates are high because no one wants to be a prison officer, not enough prisons and the u.k has a massive drug problem until those are sorted prison numbers will keep going up.
Don't you have to use some sort of force to open a door (even if unlocked) and gain entry? Is that burglary a violent crime? What about criminal damage? If I kick a dent in my neighbour's car, is that a violent crime? Just asking....
I can guarantee you my stance wouldn't have been different. IMO non-violent criminals should not be put in prison in 99% of cases. It's just pointless.
"Violent Crime" is to a person, not property. Any damage to property no matter how violent can only be criminal damage.
Having looked it up, it seems burglary covers entering, and then stealing or committing a violent act. So it seems a burglary could be classed as either a violent, or non-violent crime.
The UK's prison capacity is 89,041. The prison population as of 23rd February was 87,973. Either you let people out early or you don't send anybody else.
Again, the correlation isn't lost on me regards poor spelling/grammar and the views of individuals using it. Education should be a real priority for this government, who in just a few days have already given me hope for a better future.
We have established burglary is non violent if no violence is used against the owners. Drug dealing let them off too? And the blokes repeatedly steling from Mrs Jones shop in town ah that's fine she's making enough money.