I must admit this did cross my mind until more details came through. Not because I give conspiracy theories any credence, but absolutely because I don't think there's much that Trump wouldn't stoop to in order to further his own self-interest. I think what is absolutely sure is that Trump and the MAGA nuts will be twisting this incident in order to squeeze every last drop out of it. Already hearing that some of them are trying to blame Biden for the attack.
Likely the end of US democracy. He was already unhinged before this. Still glad he's ok though. His death would've been an even worse outcome for US politics (obviously noone deserves to be murdered in cold blood either!) Then again maybe he'll rethink gun regulation
TBH it was my first thought, and anyone can say what they want but it isn't beyond these absolute nut jobs to pull a stunt like this. Probably not a stunt but not beyond realms of possibility. This just might start the civil war the MAGA are craving.
No he hasn't, remember your post when you told all the young uns to tell me ,my wife, family & friends to fck off? Then spewed absolute b011ox & then finished of calling us all lovely person**S. that post is right up there.
And now GOP are blaming Biden, saying he's sent a hit squad to finish him off FFS, it's ok mindst he has presidential immunity.
He's already winning in the polls apparently, why would he risk his life and have someone in the crowd shot dead for a stunt to get more votes?
Wifes just asked whats a crack an thump, basically its the firing of a firearm, bullets fired from a firearm travel faster than the speed of sound, the crack is the sound of the projectile, bullet, the thump is the sound of the firearm being fired.
Yeah choosing to be shot in the ear when the tiniest twitch would kill you outright doesn't sound like the actions of a man who dodged the military draft. Whatever you think of him this was a horrendous act of extremism. It's sad that republicans are trying to pin it on Biden though. Incidents like this demand unity and compassion on all sides.
Only in America can this man be elected again it’s beyond bizarre, that’s aside from the fact he shouldn’t be allowed to and should be locked up.
Very difficult not to let your mind race and be very fearful of what this may lead to. We've already seen a mob of thousands storm the US parliamentary buildings in the belief the last presidential election was rigged, without a single shred of credible evidence to justify their position. And now their leader has been shot. Forums will already be filled with theories of how the Democrats, backed by 'Big Tech', were behind the failed assassination. And they'll be read, absorbed and believed by people already certain their democracy has been taken from them. For anyone there it must have been very frightening, and there has been loss of life. Trump acted with composure and bravery after being shot in the head. I'd usually be very complimentary to anyone conducting themselves in such a manner under such circumstances. I don't like Trump, but there's a degree of admiration for how he acted in that moment. But I don't want to praise him because the way he could use this event to further his own career/agenda, pouring fuel on the fire of discontent amongst his supporters, could make the world a very dangerous place. And I don't doubt for a second that he will.
Very good, even the wife thought it was funny after first saying whats Donald Duck got to do with it, i then explained.
“Law enforcement officials told reporters they not yet identified a motive for the attack.” It’s Donald Trump! In a land where you don’t need to be totally sane to carry a gun , there’s probably fking loads! This could seriously kick off now, some nut going after Biden in a ‘revenge’ attack or another trying to finish the job on Trump
It’s very difficult to take avoiding action as the bullet is way faster than the speed of sound so you don’t hear the crack of the rifle. Luckily he heard if fizz past.