I apologise for calling you a weirdo. Having not watched the videos, hearing that one innocent bystander was murdered and you saying the woman looked like she was hit and then falling to the deck and asking what other people’s opinions were, I thought you were asking people to watch her being shot.
Good point i guess i couldve bin a bit more suttle, sorry, its just that i was in the heat of the moment again Sorry.
I can see your point but I don't think he meant anything untoward by it, I think he was just asking making a guess that the video on all news channels and still up on BBC news website now may show something that nobody has picked up on. Winker tends to write has he speaks which when written can give off a slightly different vibe than he was going for, if I'm unsure then i tend to read his stuff a couple of times once in the tone I assume it's meant in as unread it for the first time and then again in a tone that I feel he may have actually meant it in.
There is something very wrong about last nights events in the USA very wrong. How does a shooter get on to a roof top a few hundred yards away from Trump and then in full view of Secret Service snipers set up and fire multiple times before he's engaged by the secret service. That building should have been searched and sealed off due to its proximity to the event or had secret service on the roof. This is either to use a Trump term a "Fake News" attempt to boost his re election bid which as gone horribly wrong and a member of the public has paid the ultimate price or very senior people within the American government and military really don't want a Trump second term due to his very pro Putin stance and left the door open for the shooter. By Government I mean civil service rather than politicians
I don't think it's either of the above. Trump is deranged but even he's not deranged enough to have someone shoot at him, he's a coward remember, there's no way he'd have the balls to do that. Nor would the secret service go along with it. They hate him too I'd imagine. I don't think the civil service is anywhere near stupid enough to do something like that in public either. If they wanted trump dead then he'd be dead, they don't need to get someone to fire into a crowd of people in order to do that and still mess it up. I think it's nothing more than a gun crazed nation having gun owning psychos in it and also having a very well funded but largely incompetent armed forces all the way from the US army down to the badly trained cop on the street. It's no shock really to find that the secret and civil service is just as incompetent as those above and below it
It's also being reported that he's donated to a left wing cause as well. I'm not convinced being a registered republican means much. If you were planning something like this then you'd want as much access to intel regarding the targets movements as possible. We just need to stop branding these extremists by their political, religious, or any other beliefs. Who cares about the opinions of a psycho? All that does is tarnish the innocents who hold those beliefs but abhor their actions as much as everyone else.
Must say the initial headlines annoyed me which amounted to Trump gets a nick in his ear but then no mention of the serious injuries to innocent bystanders! Also had to feel for the secret service men, fancy having to use your body to shield that thing.
This is the state of America’s gun violence. According to this, while we’ve been chewing the fat and arguing on here, two more reports have been added to the list. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting Ps - these are just mass shootings.
I wonder how Marjorie Taylor Greene and the rest of the MAGA pro-gun lobby feel about it. No doubt they'll say it was a Biden plan.
Typical MAGA statement yesterday on Twitter, “God saved Trump”. Absolutely no thought for those that lost their lives. The idea that Gods randomly saving some people, whilst huge numbers of others are subject to war, rape, murder and disease is laughable.
Without doubt. I saw a tweet from Josh Hawley bemoaning the lack of money spent on security while millions is sent to Ukraine. It’s endless from both sides.
What concerns me most is Trumps reaction to it fist in the air shouting ‘fight fight fight’ , we know what to expect if he loses the election again
I dont think so. The Republic party was split until Trump started being prosecuted then a lot rallied behind him. Loads in his own party, who are referred to as Neo-cons, still despise him. I dont think there's any conspiracy on either side mate. I think its just a nut job.