People won't have it because it's a ridiculous thing to keep saying. Yeah the hopes are to win a tournament, or promotion of course. And getting to the Wembley Final, and getting shafted by the officials on the day, was/is NOT a failure.
That's a good point. For me it's the former. Sick of being bored to death by football in general with the st George's park classrooms churning out dull coaches after dull coach. Football for me is about emotion and passion and attacking and flair, it's not about a game of chess with the ball passed side to side to side to side until the opposition essentially gets bored and makes a mistake that you capitalise on with one move per game.
I've said more than once Pep has ruined football as a spectacle for me. It's not just the coach's all the players are the same and variation is at a minimum.
There sure are some fuckwits on social media. The other week right, loads of people believed exit polls and hated barnsley. Who'd have thunk it.
You do have the power to turn it off you know.. hating something but keeping being drawn to it.. I'd be looking at that in myself if I were you.. This is not the modern problem folk think it is.. Read the 'Serenity prayer' that's said before ever Alcohol Anonymous meeting. Not trying to be condescending.. but if you can read that.. and get what it actually means.. the keys to your freedom will be handed too you.. You/we are our own saviour, no one else.