Biden looks extremely frail and it wouldn't surprise me if he's got parkinsons. My father in law has it and the vacant expression, the freezing, the slow movement and the language fumbles are eerily similar. He has to step down, but then Trump shows very strong signs of vascular dementia as well, though that doesn't seem to get the same coverage. Its like Corbyn v Johnson descended to a deeper level of hell.
I don’t think he’s necessarily got dementia, he’s just an old man in a high pressured role. One of my four grandparents had dementia but even though the other 3 didn’t they all used to get names wrong & lose track of what they were saying at the kind of age Biden is. No one that age should be leading any country. I think Trump’s too old too. There’s a reason why people generally retire in their mid to late 60’s. It doesn’t mean you’re losing your marbles or only fit for sitting & laying down. It just means you in all likelihood aren’t fit & sharp enough to be giving speeches, constantly travelling & meeting different people.
If he does step aside it'll be interesting to see if Michelle Obama can be persuaded to stand. All other candidates are behind trump in most polls. She's ahead of him by 10+ percent
Neither party has a suitable candidate lined up though no chance of Trump withdrawing Biden might. As you say current polling shows Michelle Obama by far the best chance of the Democrats but I can’t see her going for it unfortunately
But the choice between the two is immeasurable. Biden getting on in years, no doubt. Trump a psychotic lunatic/sociopath that should not be anywhere near a position of power & a danger to entire planet on so many levels.
Sadly there may be something in what you say. I would assume he's had all the standard tests so that both he and his advisors know whether he has or not. If he has they must for his sake get him to stand down. One of the problems is that many people with dementia are in complete denial about it and don't think there's anything wrong.
That's right but Biden as do done wonders for America & has changed their fortunes around & that is a fact
I understand why there's a 35+ year old limit, life experience, work, whatever whatever. But I think it should be lowered for sure.