Growing up as a kid some 40 years ago, most of Britains beaches seemed not safe for bathing . Rivers and canals were openly polluted. Then we went through a phase where we seemed to have some of the cleanest beaches in living memory, even in spite of the water privatisation. I don’t think that it’s too much of a coincidence that water companies are taking advantages of loopholes and inconsequential fines since we departed the EU. Money and profit over people and places again I’m afraid.
I live next to Knoll Beck. It doesn't seem too bad on the whole. When I lived up near Royston there was a stream that was just pollution with a bit of water to dilute it. Stunk in summer
That's why I asked. I've not been down that way for ages. The water quality looked dreadful, sommert not right; hence wondering if it was unusual i.e. a discharge, or normally like that these days.
"It is promising to see some companies starting to accept their responsibilities, but it is evident that the pace of improvement continues to fall short." I thought this was very interesting...which I take to mean putting up our bills to pay for their mistakes or greed! We have an ongoing situation to replace and old cespit...I have had 3 companies out for quotes (2 of which do work for the environment agency). We need a bio tank to replace the 70 year old jiggered "hole in the ground" system and two companies claimed the EA" just don't have the staff to implement the new rules! What a there actually enough of anything in this country?