In reality the election is going to be decided by about 500k swing voters in roughly 4 states - everything else is sewn up. So appealing to your base, on either side, is not going to win you the election.
Roy Ayers - Everybody loves the sunshine. I’ve always loved this but I never knew who sang it. Thanks for posting that, got me digging
Relax a little but. Trump is not going to sole cause a world war or the destruction of a planet that has been here for billions of years. I hope he loses but if he wins the world keeps turning.
Right but here's the thing not Hitler. Wish people would stop making g ridiculous comparisons. Trump is a unpleasant narcissist who has no business in power. Some of his policies will impact and cost lives. This is also the case for the overwhelming majority of political and world leaders. Hitler was one of the most evil people who ever lived and attempted to commit genocide and directly ordered the murder of millions. I think it's utter disrespectful to all the victims of Hitler to use his name to insult Trump. Trump didn't like the result of the election, still lives in denial and fulled a protest that got out of hand. Hitler used the military to cement his control and had those who spoke out against him executed. It's world's apart and actually helps fuel those who support him when people make ridiculous statements of that nature.
Have a read of "Project 2025" then come back. Their (Republicans through the Heritage Foundation) plan includes: Expansion of Presidential Powers - including the recent Supreme Court ruling that the President can do anything as an "Official Act" and it is legal Replacing the military and police leadership with loyalists (rather than loyal to the constitution) - and other leading civil service positions Getting rid of the FBI, the Federal Reserve and Department of Education (among others) Removing access to birth control to women Arresting journalists who don't support the government Banning porn and classifying creators and distributors as sex offenders Removing LGBTQ+ protections - and classifying LGBTQ+ literature as pornography Bringing in the death penalty for sex offenders Rounding up and deporting Hispanics Abandoning Climate Change regulations Cut Medicaid and Medicare Basically, American will be the Christian (supply-side only) version of Iran or Afghanistan.
Its a bit silly to think that 1930s shaky Weimar Republic democracy is in any way comparable with 2020's America. Trump isn't Hitler in disguise, and the USA isn't being economically eviscerated by hyper inflation and mass unemployment. If trump wins and somehow these policies get implemented then you can come back to me, but at the minute you might as well take the communist manifesto and say Kamala Harris is going to implement that if she wins.
I agree wholeheartedly about the Hitler comparison. Trump is the ultimate example of Godwin's law. However, by your own definition, the argument that 'he's not Hitler' leaves a huge amount of space to still be a dangerous human being, both for individuals and global politics. He has already made it clear that a 2nd term would be a revenge tour where he would use presidential powers to pardon his own indiscretions and to punish his political enemies. He learnt in his first term and the period afterwards, that he is in fact untouchable as a current or former president. That is a terrifying precedent for anyone, let alone someone as unhinged as him. He also managed, in just 4 years, to further destabilise Crimea, Gaza and North Korea. We are now seeing serious consequences of his decisions to support and embolden one side or the other in each of these disputes. Scarier still is that he's persuaded so many that his Interventions were a good thing when they were so clearly clumsy and, very possibly, catastrophic. So no I disagree. It is very possible he will start World War 3. In fact, it's quite possible that he already has triggered the chain reaction that leads to it.
His current VP once referred to him as Hitler. listen mate, everyone knows he’s not Hitler, but neither is every illegal immigrant Hannibal Lecter. Horses for courses in a name calling political environment, which tbf, Trump absolutely wallows in day in and out.
He’s no Hitler but he encourages white suprematists refusing repeatedly to condemn Neo Nazi groups like the oddly named Proud Boys and Project 2025 isn’t some nut job fringe group it’s major players in the Republican Party
Lot of replies so I've obviously hit si e sort of nerve. Stand by what I said but don't have the energy to reply to each response. Trump isn't Hitler, 100% it's the kind of stupid unfounded fear mongering Trump himself would participate in. Can't beat them join them? That's one viewpoint. I'd rather the rational people act like it. That's all.
Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Gaddafi, Hussein, Kagame and various others weren't Hitler either. Arguably Stalin, Hirohito and Mao were worse. Plenty of other autocratic dictators we can compare against.
Even dictator is a huge stretch. Maybe he'd like to be that's some way off. Totally unrelated it is a dark but interesting debate who was worse. Hitler seems to be remembered as the worst for a number of reasons and you wouldn't really want to be the person arguing why he wasn't as bad as someone else would you!
Spot on. To me, he just seems to be a bloke with no self awareness but unlimited ambition. Many would be slowed down by so many business failures, but he just crashes on in a ruthless and chaotic way. He will say anything and court anyone that helps him on his journey, and for the last 8 yrs, that’s been his base and the freak show has jumped on board since he lost.