I know the role of a CEO will probably be one that does business in the background, although in my employers case they have always been the figurehead always at the front in media coverage etc. We now have a CEO that is completely anonymous, in fact I wouldn’t even know we had one unless it was a snippet in the back of my mind, this comes after having quite a few outspoken ones, Dane Murphy, Khaled the liar and all the other recent ones.
That's why we segregated the football side away from the other stuff with a DOF and hear regular updates from Mladen. I'm not sure there's much John Flatman could update us on that Mladen hasn't
Are we fishing around and trying to find new things to complain about? Mladen Sormaz, our Sporting Director, is a competent media performer and looks to have been designated the lead for interviews and press along with Darrell Clarke and Martin Devaney. Personally I feel there is more communication, transparency, and accountability than for many years. It’s not an issue if the CEO is focussed on the business side and trying to improve the club’s performance and position financially.
Personally, I'd rather the CEO just quietly and efficiently gets on with the job, rather than spouting Khaled-esque comments regarding big news.
I probably would but then the only way to validate they would be by progress on and off the field wouldn’t it ?
The CEO will have had ample time to work out how to improve the match day experience, no pressures of transfer business or interviews to contend with....... Currently the clubs media is a shambles and in total disarray, how long will this last for?
I think it comes across as pretty professional. We get player signing videos, plenty of interviews, training and match highlights; and regular messages via the website, Twitter, YouTube, newspapers, and the like. I’d like reliable kit deliveries, better catering options at matches, and parking/park and ride options for those travelling to matches from outside the area. Other than that, do we really have it that bad?
Your response is to call me a crank? I'm not having a go at you I'm saying when our CEO is doing his business his way and not making public statements daily it's very easy for people to have a go.
You will be able to put suggestions forward to the advisory group to put for discussion. And then they'll take to the club. The more that put the same suggestions forward (like you put forward) I'm guessing would be more than likely get priority. Although disabled issues would be at the top for me as they are more of an individual concern. As for catering options not sure what you mean. But I think the club have been very active in that dept. Not just the usual that you find at other clubs. Burgers, Hot dogs. Pies and chips. As for kits. I'm with you all the way. Do they really understand getting em out as early as poss. would imho lead to more sales.
People were complaining a couple of weeks ago because we have announced more sponsors than players. I think it's obvious that the CEO is getting on with the job.
I agree there are catering options around the ground, and appreciate many people don’t really make use of those in ground anyway. There’s longstanding issues with the speed of service and quality of snacks with the in ground contractor - hoping this year it might in some way be different.
As for kits, I would imagine reducing the ridiculous and unjustifiable price would also lead to more sales. Certainly would in my case.
Put it forward mate. When the Advisory board go live. I'm aware there were one or two innovations last season. I genuinely dont know how bad the things are you talk about. As I take mi own Percies and Bovri. Am not paying them prices lol.
The list is on the site. If it's relevant to a specific advisory member. Put it to them. 3 other posts to be filled apparantly. If you can't decide which category it falls under. I'm sure anyone of them would take it up. Comms are a general issue and I've brought it up many times. I agree they are not fully there yet. As I can testify to. But it is getting better. I think the system. will work better (via a group. The proof will be in the pudding I expect once up and running) but some issues may not be deemed more important than others and take 2nd place etc. Frustrating but fact. Eg if joe bloggs said "mi chips were cold" I'd have probably said "get there earlier lol." If quite a few complained after the same game. I'd probably ask why and they'd have to have a word with the caterers.. These are all my own opinions of course.
Hi Andrew I've noted your comments from your earlier post and from this one. I'll take them forward into the next FAB meeting.