Anyone on here any good at setting up basic websites on Wordpress? I have used Wordpress before once a site is set up but now I am faced with setting one up from scratch. Once the tabs/ pages are in place I can edit - I just need to get to that stage. I’ve watched a couple of tutorials but what I have isn’t what I want. All I’m after is a home page and then maybe 5 tabs with different titles. Just struggling to find the right template for that. Any tips? What’s the going rate for someone to set up a basic site? Has to be Wordpress as the 2 yr domain name has already been paid for.
Can't help with most of it, but regarding your last line I'm pretty sure your domain isn't tied to WordPress, even if you bought it through them? You should be able to transfer it out. Just in case you find it easier working with a different creator or know somebody who does!
Never used word press. I use Nicepage software for Fev Lions website Our websites only basic but software dead easy to use and can produce for more advanced than ours
Looks good that. I wouldn’t mind something on those lines. I do most of our promotion on Twitter, but need a website to keep our funders happy.