Something that hasn’t been reported in the news (yet) and which is surprising to some degree is that we are on the verge of a GP strike. The strike is about the GP contract and GPs are currently being balloted. This is not the BMA model employment contract but the contract between the government and the GP partnerships (its a little more convoluted than that but in essence that’s what it is), ie the cash that the government gives out to allow them to run their service. In short it is up for renewal and needs to be improved to enable GP services to get better, as surgeries are being starved of resource. Let’s see what Kier Starmer does here. If he continues in the same manner as the Tories then expect to see a strike which will involve limiting of same day appointments, withdrawal of services and so on.
Surely this will mean the strike doesn’t go ahead? One of Labour’s flagship policies is getting appointment times down.
The first issue that's going to hit is they'll have to early release another batch of prisoners, as the prisons are about to hit capacity again. At least Labour can start the process of seeing how bad things are from today, but there are no quick fixes to many of the issues. Ultimately, the judgement has to be where things are in 5 years time, relative to today. They need to win another mandate to govern at that point, and no-one will be able to blame an inability to pass legislation at that point. They've done the first bit required, and that's extremely welcome news, but now the real work begins, while the Tories and Farage engage in another lurch to the right from the opposition benches.
I wrote to my former MP about this in May asking him what he is doing about the lack of GPs. He, or more probably one of his lackies, gave me the party line on training more GPs and record funding for the NHS etc. The truth is that our local GP practice relies on locums (loca?) at vast expense. One reason why surgeries are short of funds. Jr. Didcot Red 2 is a GP in South London he works 12 hours. He says that he would be much better off as a locum but is committed to the NHS. A locum can turn up do their surgery and go home leaving a good deal of the paperwork to the practice. We know that a doctor is well paid but let’s not forget that they need 7 years training and now end up with debts well into 6 figures. There is a world market for doctors and the country needs to compete to make the profession attractive and make young doctors want to stay in the UK. Work life balance is important or in HR speak “hygiene factors” are also important.
for those that are interested , ballot in at 98% today
Disappointing that the BMA arent giving Labour a chance to fix things before taking action, the current problems are down to Hunts disastrous term in charge. For sure if Labour let things drag on apply some pressure but this seems a bit premature. Im not close to this though so maybe there are good reasons they have to take actions now
How does the ballot work? Do all the members have to phone at 8am and spend a couple of hours on hold?
My GP must have been on strike for 15 years, that's the last time l could get to see him - every time l go to see him the receptionists that good she usually diagnoses me.
We did get to see one a few months ago but as my Autistic son was been slightly difficult he just suggested we go to A&E instead. I did put a complaint in about him but got a standard written response saying nothing.
The time is surely coming to consider a partial charge for a GP appointment, albeit with some exemptions. The administrative burden on GP's also needs to change as it is restricting the viable number of hours they are able to work.
Pay a tenner to see a doctor or get a free appointment with a triage nurse who knows how to use google.
Do you get a refund if they misdiagnose you or fob you off with ineffective meds? I'll march the streets before this happens. It would mark the death of the greatest achievement in Britain's history.
If I was the Health Secretary and knew this ballot was likely I would, for political reasons, have gone to the GPs and said something like 'we'll be able to offer you something tangible in the autumn after the budget'. Might not have been feasible to do this in the ballot timetable but if it had have been I'd have said summat like that. Labour are on a hiding to nothing with this.
I might be mistaken but it sounds like the system in Ireland and France where you pay by card and get it refunded later...the snag is not everyone does online banking.