Fuk the bone headed knuckle dragging brain donning bone heads, just fck off. I hear Rwanda is nice this time of year.
I'm wondering if this is how we stop others being pulled towards Yaxley an Co's message. All we need to do is interview the guys like this on the ground.
I’d say removing them asap and interning them somewhere horrible would be best. The message then might get through.
Apparently it’s a peaceful protest, but let us make our anger known. What a tool! How many times does it have to be reported that the person who committed the horrendous attack was not a migrant and didn’t come over in a boat, how thick are some people? I really do despair
They have no sense of irony do they. An angry and aggressive male mob descending on a hotel probably full of women and children. Perhaps even some families on holiday. Utterly deplorable.
One woman there is so proud she thinks England and the United Kingdom are one and the same. She must be shocked whenever she asks for a cheese burger, only to discover it also comes with bread.
Almost feel sorry for the halfwits who only got half the memo and were stupid enough to not cover their faces. The cops are filming it, your mates are filming it and there's almost certainly a livestream on whatever far-right channel you care to choose. And yet you're gonna chuck stuff at the police without a mask and then turn right towards the nearest camera you can find? Jailing some of them is as close as you're ever going to get to literally just locking people up because they're not bright enough to function in society.