Not sure where you get that from G. Still very young. Bags of talent. Rarely heard of injury prone. Gets stuck in. A fantastic prospect mate. Still a bairn. In pro terms.
I dislocated my shoulder playing football as a teenager. Hurt quite a bit! Was popped back in at the side of the pitch, and I was alright in a few weeks. Hopefully not more serious.
I read yesterday 6-8 weeks for a dislocated shoulder. Hopefully he just landed heavy on it, and it's not that bad.
Really? Wow, I even said to me dad day after the match I actually hope its only a dislocated shoulder because I thought it would only be a couple of weeks, 3 maybe 4 at the very most!
I went to check how long Andy Yiadom missed after he suffered one against Wednesday, and he missed the rest of the season, though the game was on 1st April. From memory, he suffered it in the first half and popped it back in and carried on playing. Then Adam Reach deliberately yanked it back out early in he second half and he went off.
I remember that,I'd forgotten about it. Not very sportsman like that of A Reach but not untypical.i remember them getting Adam Hammill sent off at Hillsborough for a tactical that would not even merit a yellow card.
From NHS site Recovering from a dislocated shoulder It usually takes up to 12 weeks to recover from a dislocated shoulder. It may take up to 16 weeks to fully return to playing some sports, but for some recovery can take longer. You’ll need to wear a sling to support your arm for the first few weeks. A physiotherapist may recommend some regular shoulder exercises to help reduce pain and stiffness. Your doctor or physiotherapist will advise you on when you can return to daily tasks like driving or playing sport. Reducing the risk of dislocating your shoulder again Once you dislocate your shoulder, there’s an increased risk it could happen again. The risk depends on your age and how well your shoulder joint healed. You may be offered a scan to check if your shoulder has been damaged. It’s important to follow any advice you’re given by the hospital or doctor. The hospital may recommend regular physiotherapy appointments to help make your shoulder muscles stronger and reduce the risk of dislocating your shoulder again.
I appreciate top level sport is a bit more intense and physically demanding than being at school. I think ultimately it varies from person to person and injury to injury. My recollection is I no longer felt limited by it in only a short time, but I probably carried stuff with the other arm.
He's a good player but it's concerning if he's picked up his second three month injury of 2024 when we are only just in August.
With the best will in the world you can`t equate in impact injury like Fab`s on Wednesday to being injury prone or being a "Sick Note". The lad got mugged!
Sky Brown dislocated her shoulder last week but is still expecting to take part in the Olympic skateboarding event. They're a lot tougher those Olympians.
Not seen anything to suggest otherwise, all the club apologists offered last year was, yeah but he put that ball in for a goal, so what and how long do we all he’s still young ? Good enough yer old enough simple as that.
Not sure about the club apologists bit. He's probably needed looking after a bit until now but this season is where he has to kick on, or be given the opportunity to kick on.