Starting to think I was jinxed. Every event I'd watched live we got silver or bronze. Finally seen a gold. Women's lightweight double skulls gold, get in.
*It fell under the IBA jurisdiction - a body now disavowed by all countries due to close ties to the Kremlin. The UK among others boycotted the 2023 World Championships due to corruption allegations - The tests they both failed were never officially verified and the type of test actually changed in different statements from the IBA chair (Testosterone - XY - Testosterone again). The results were never released or independently verified. Thus no ban. - Khelif was competing for years and lost 9 times including an Olympic quarter final I have serious concerns that we are judging a woman who not only has done nothing wrong but may not actually have any condition affecting her hormones or genes that affect her legitimacy as a fair competitor. The facts these allegations are based on are vague at best.
Women's double scullers totally bossed that race Loving the rowing coverage - Matthew and Katherine are great together.
Been scrapped in favour of beach sprinting so won't get the chance to defend their title. What the chuff is beach sprinting and where do the lightweight scullers go from here?
Is that a serious question? Anyone can dive irrespective of their weight. In rowing, like boxing, judo etc you cant have a lightweight rowing against a great hulk It would be no contest.
If you have xy chromosomes you're biologically a man. However, there are cases where before you reach puberty your appearance could look the opposite and if you've been assumed a certain sex at birth of course that is how you experience life. I can't explain it very well but I don't want the individual athlete hounded.
No way there's an Olympic sport where you can fire a gun with one hand in your pocket and a doobie hanging out of your mouth
They were immense, I was tearing up at the interview after, and to be going to your first junior doctor post in a few days!
Which means, that anyone with XX chromosomes is a woman. There are ~5x as many people with XX male (De La Chappelle syndrome) than with Swyer Syndrome (XY female). These are actual men who have gone through male puberty...
weeell tbf the cig was photo shopped later, but the bloke did win silver with one hand in his pocket!
Sounds like we should do away with male and female categories. If we can't define what the difference is.
Where is the evidence to suggest she has the XY chromosome apart from the test whose evidence and figures were never released? The test that was also discredited. The individual athlete in question was born a female, not male. It is extremely gross and disrespectful to keep repeating otherwise and your stance on this is quite surprising.