…something along the lines of : Nothing that is posted on any other social media website, and especially twitter, should be reposted on here. Some sort of brake needs to be put on importing crap. This place is fast becoming a sewer by proxy. Infected. I still have never read any post by either Elon Musk or Tommy Robinson or that bloke in Rumania (if he is still locked up there) and I don’t want to. But they are getting closer without me choosing this. I only slink about on here for interraction. Not in other site places Admin should just ban any quote or video or whatever from these sources. And allow just the posts of our regular people – their own contributions. Do a proper job. Dreamboy and others should stick to these other platforms for their thrills and not bring unverified bile on here. We are allowing truth to be skewered. And division to be sown. We ought to set some sort of standard. Not censorship. Freedom of speech still however has to be paramount. Not that chief admin on here is the best advocate of that. At least he still lets the jailbird sing. We could start by abolishing avatars and calling everyone by their actual names, rather than pretending we’re someone else – for some strange reason. Me included. It’s daft and unnecessary. If everyone knew my name and eventually my address then they could picket my house if they don’t like my ramblings, or more usefully bring round crates of Czech brewed beer to sustain me. Oh and any personal abuse inter poster should be removed and the perpetrator sin binned I've run out now . I know nothing will change. But at least I've got an itch scratched.
If you're that against it, I would suggest staying off the threads about the events in Southport and everything that followed. There are very real, very reasoned conversations taking place on the subject but, like it or not, the involvement and misuse of twitter is and important factor in what has happened this week. I deleted both my twitter profiles and gave up nearly 20k followers when Elon Musk lifted the bans on dangerous speech. I chose to walk away and ignore it. But ignoring it didn't work. While many reasonable people like myself(or at least I like to think so) chose to turn their back and ignore what was happening on that platform, it was still being used to stoke divisions and hate. That lead directly to the riots in the aftermath of last week's tragedy. We can't ignore it any more. It needs to be dealt with. And I believe that starts by paying attention to what is actually happening there.
I post links to YouTube vids myself, so would be disappointed if I had to stop. I think this forum is generally a decent place, it doesn’t suffer fools, so doesn’t need any drastic changes to what we should and shouldn’t post. I don’t think anyone’s going to be radicalised by reading posts on the BBS anyway
No no Fitzy - I'm not on about Youtube vids etc. . I'm on about the political stuff from both sides, becoming more and more extreme and polarised. Which is tending to make this forum a place to express your hate rather than brotherhood. We're all BFC fans. This seems to be getting lost these days.
Sorry I seem to have buggered up my reply somehow. Here it is: Ignoring it will eventually work. Spreading it - allowing it's continued pasting all over social gatherings (and importantly, this one) won't work for any of us. Suggesting that I stay off current events threads on here is not a solution for me - I should do that and give in because of the spread of twitter? I'm trying to work out your point here - which seems to be that twitter is important (agreed) and influential (agreed) and abused (agreed). Can't see why that's an argument for it being imported on to BBS in chunks to attempt to prove this that or the other.
Tbf, even if we just stick with footy related posts, we all end up falling out. Just wait until Friday at full time, We’ll either be winning the league or getting relegated in the eyes of some.
The only thing I would say is at least it gives those of us who don't use that kind of social media an opportunity to get an insight in what these people are saying.
I understand your concerns Gegenpresser and the last thing anyone would want is for the BBS to turn into the cesspit of twitter. Reading from afar it is all very sad what is happening over there. People really have nothing better to do than hate. But the counter-argument to banning such posts is that when things have been posted on here, they have been discussed and dismissed where necessary. It is a chance to put the record straight. Better to have something posted and debunked on here than have people silently believing them over on twitter. I used to have my real name on my BBS profile as it happens. I think that disappeared when the site was updated although probably for the best in terms of opening ourselves up to spam and scams. On a lighter note, RamTam had 20k twitter followers? I panicked when a few people started following me. Ah, stop looking at me...
There’s always been a need for people on this forum to constantly ram their political views down other peoples throat, and it pushes a lot of good posters away. It really irks me personally. There’s thousands of political, economic and social forums out there, they don’t belong on a football forum. football and politics should never mix.
I could agree for stuff like the Trump stuff and general political posting. But the stuff related to Southport has real world relevance to many of us here. It’s happening on people’s doorsteps. People and Police have been attacked. They tried to set fire to a hotel within spitting distance of many of our posters homes. The bile that lead to it has spread primarily through X and is demonstrably affecting the opinions of some posters on here. It is an important and relevant subject of discussion. and let’s not forget that Tommy Robinson’s original EDL was primarily made of football hooligans (and still is based on the footage from Southport). Hell, there was a guy in an ORA shirt on the front page of the times. So I would argue the primary subject that had influenced the creation of this thread is actually very relevant to this football forum.
Why are the majority of your recent posts non-football related then? It has been said hundreds of times but this forum has never been just about football.
Ignoring it isn't working. Twitter is going from strength to strength. The owner and his 200 million followers and billion person footprint is sharing misinformation regarding the riots and policing and directly attacking our PM. Calling for a civil war. I'm not exaggerating when I compare his rhetoric and influence on impressionable young men to Osama Bin Laden. While we ignore it. The people who actually got involved in the crime and terrorism streak that took place this week continue to listen and be further radicalised. They believe they are many because of all the bots and overseas right wing supporters sharing and encouraging. We need to address this in places where reasonable conversations can be had.. like this forum.
There's a fundamental problem I'm afraid. Media vehicles like X and FB are now too big to be dealt with by individuals. X is now an unrestricted cesspit of divisiveness, misinformation and downright lies. Musk has 193 million followers and is actively amplifying people like Tommy Robinson. He's taken X out of the realm of being moderated or policed. Much as I value free speech and keenly aware of the pitfalls of regulating it we're fast approaching a point where governments are going to have to step in and insist that it is run responsibly or action will be taken. AI hand in hand with social media are bringing the world to a very dangerous place.
Just create a sub forum for politics & world news, I for one would avoid it, i come on here to discuss things Barnsley FC.
I think that could be reasonable compromise if people feel that strongly about it. Personally, I really enjoy the non-football discussion and feel that the title of a thread should be enough for people to understand what the topic is - allowing members to join in or avoid as they wish. So I'd leave things as they are. Appreciate that others may feel differently.
If we're on about banning things then what about hoodies baseball caps and face coverings. If you turn up anywhere wearing such stuff your normally not up to much good are you. Be a lot more proactive than stifling someone elses opinion on the grounds that you don't like it, where does that end? Maybe my opinion today but yours tomorrow.. And of course who gets to say what is allowed and what isn't?.. the government of the day.. governments change aswell... Just turn social media off, you have that power.. I know we live in an era where hurt feelings are a serious crime but I think you've more chance of being hurt or injured by someone covering their face to hide their identity
This is what I’m getting at. the constant slagging of other parties, policies and ***** like that. What’s happened recently in regards to riots and what not I can 100% understand and get amongst that kind of chat. It’s the everyday politics rubbish that people spout.