You could argue that he was delivering on a manifesto promise. We didn’t see much of that in the coming years. Plus I think Cameron naively thought that we couldn’t possibly be daft enough to vote ourselves out…
He was the one who created the manifesto because he was too cowardly to stand up to what at the time was a very small minority of swivel eyed loons. He then campaigned abysmally (outdone only by a shocking effort from Corbyn) and just waltzed off into the ether to take up smoking and conduct illegal lobbying for Greensill that should really have seen him jailed. I recall Obama's reaction when he first met him... "what a lightweight" and that summed him up perfectly. A truly dreadful politician with no morals, values or conviction that started the incredible tory sprint to a cesspit and the damage he and Osborne did by cancelling a keynsian stimulus as it was working will be endured for further generations still. He only looks slightly more palatable now given the absolute cluster****s of DePfeffel, Truss and Sunak. As you can tell, not a fan of Lord Boilface.
Let's be quite honest though about this....had the Tories done the same, Labour would be creating hell over it.
The trouble with that kind of story though is that it reminds me of my neighbour who is convinced every unemployed person with a mobile phone is secretly raking it in.
I'm in two minds about the pensioners fuel allowance. On the one hand, some people who don't need it are getting it. On the other hand, introducing limits on it adds an administrative overhead that means it could be more expensive than the money it saves. And, there is the issue about unclaimed benefits being a massive issue for those in need.
They’ve been in power for just over a month. I don’t think it fair to say that the option of chasing the rich has been ignored. As a party member I will be very disappointed if they don’t, but surely they should be given time. Oh, by the way, I received £100 heating allowance as it was my first year on the state pension. I gave it to charity, as I know many others do. To me it should always have been means-tested rather than universal, and pensioners (me included) have done pretty well out of the triple lock. Meanwhile our young people can’t get affordable housing; something my generation took for granted.
Very commendable of you to donate your allowance to charity but to me all pensioners should be looked after as the vast majority of us have done our bit. Maybe this rich country as we are always told should be looking at awarding pensioners a decent liveable pension and it have some of us rely on special handouts. After all the state pension fall far behind the government’s own liveable wage.
He offered a Brexit referendum to save his own arse, and of course it spectacularly backfired. The Nation wasn’t ready for this Referendum as proved with the way the campaigns were run, particularly the Leave campaign. Since then, politics became far more toxic and divisive ( at least amongst the middle and lower classes). In my book a ‘proper politician’ does what’s best for the Country, not for personal or party gain. No I’m not being naive, just saying what it should be.
If the Tories hadnt sold everything off,there would be no need for fuel allowance,they would be able to afford to put the heating on.
Didn’t say it was labours fault I was asking why didn’t Blair and Brown look into renationalising everything that was privatised
It would have cost a lot more than they made from the initial privatization - and depending on the terms of the original privatization possibly breaking contractual agreements. And besides, Cameron would just have sold it all off again at the first opportunity.
The railway franchises are on relatively short terms, so once they lapse, the government can choose to not renew and take over operations for each franchise til they operate all of them.
I'm not sure sure. We have some very balanced posters on here. Also, I'd hope that people weren't reading the headlines/memes, but looking into it the story. When the policy was introduced, I remember seeing Newsnight and a number of (famous) elderly people saying it should be means tested as it was wrong they they didn't get it.