From the one show and match of the day. Innaproprite behaviour and texts in the workplace apparantly.
Good. If he's been nasty good riddance. About time standards were upheld at that institution. Not that I know anything about it. I'm just generalising from a position of ignorance. However, having said that it will be interesting to see how this plays out. There's comparisons to be made with Edwards and Saville, there's a race issue if one wants one, there's the Strictly debacle etc etc...
What’s he done? When you consider what some of the nice people on there have done, it must be serious.
Was he texting Jason Manford? Or Vernon Kay? These TV sofas seem to get blokes in the mood, don't they? Do DFS sell 'em?
I'm sure it will come out. It allus does. (Stop it Stephen ) It pays not to jump to conclusions and what may become rumours at this stage. Joking aside. I was accused of a trumped up charge of inappropriate behaviour and got a disciplinary. I was gobsmacked. (I knew the head of HR was after me cos I was accusing him of incompetence. Bullshitter. etc to those above. Most of who agreed. one of his sidekicks was present at the meeting ) But ffs my wrongdoings were using the words pathetic and bullsh1t In a meeting along with I'll rip the place to bits. Corrected to my actual words I'll rip the data to bits. lol. (summat both parties. Union and management used on many occasions on opposite sides of the table.) I repeated em to the CEO when i asked to meet her . And said I stood by em. In the context of the meeting and no-one in management pulled me up on it. She was as gobsmacked as i was lol. I hope Head of HR . When he was booted out of the company. With a slipper. (Got shut of discreetly, like they all at that level do. But word gets out) Never gets another job again. The Lovely person.
There was an ex footballer called Jenas... Got caught out on the BBC swinging his penis... Gone quicker than Huw Rolf and Saville got thru It must have been particularly heinous struggled for a rhyme with penis, felt it went a bit limp at the end.
Huw Edwards got paid for months when BBC were aware he had been arrested. Jenas being let go so quickly ain't good.
Not necessarily so. They dawdled until Edward's went to trial as it was outside the company and pleaded guilty in the end. Apparently Jenas's is an internal investigation. (Stop it Stephen)