Cheek of them to get angry at a cricket ball heading in their direction when they shouldn't be there.
Normally i would be outraged about this but when it comes to Barnsley Woolley CC, the travellers are probably the less of two evils
Regardless of your feelings towards the Cricket club and whatever reasons you have, there are numerous other clubs and businesses on site that have been affected by this.
Went to see an evening with Ian Botham in the summer, he was accompanied on stage by Geoff Miller, who was funnier and better value. After Beefy had made a point about Boycott being a stereotypical dour Yorkshireman, Miller said Boycott was responsible for a comedy moment at Shaw Lane. Boycs played for Yorkshire 2nds and Miller was in Derbyshires side. After being baffled by one that moved off the pitch Miller walked down and patted the pitch. Boycott at slip shouted "Oi, Dusty. Be careful with that bat, there's folk working down there" Made me laugh any road.
My 5 year old grandson was due to attend a Bikeability course at Shaw Lane. That was cancelled too. Very disappointing.
Thats very true, I hadn't considered other users of the site. The cricket club can rot though for me.
I grew up on Shaw Street. When I was about 9 or 10, at the end of the 70s, a load of travellers pitched up on the waste ground at the Racecommon Road end of the street, where they later built all the OAP flats, opposite the Shaw Inn. It was awful, as they lived up to every stereotype. We couldn’t leave anything outside the house. Me and my mates barely left our houses, after encountering one of them when we were walking round the back of the cricket ground. There was a lot of relief when they moved on.
It was just a guess mate and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but a number of Azeem Rafiq's allegations also went back to his time at Barnsley CC (before they merged with Woolley Miners) hence why I mentioned it in reference to @fitzytyke hating Barnsley Woolley Miners CC but I could be wrong and it could be something completely different.