Supermarkets did away with sell by dates for some products a while ago. I recently read an article explaining the new codes so you can work it out. The code uses the first 12 letters of the alphabet for the month and a number for the day. So at the moment it would be H for August or I for September with a number for the day within the month. There you go you can now work out how long something will last again. All monetary gratitude can be sent to my oh f..k me donation page. Ta ta for now.
Slow day at the office? I have a tub of yoghurt in my fridge that I'm scared to see the contents of. I'll deal with it later this week.
Nope, all the supermarkets use a different coding system, the one you mention certainly isn't applicable to Sainsbury's, Tesco, Aldi or Lidl. So it maybe Asda, Morrisons or Co op, but there is no universal code.
Not sure we use it here at Morrisons either. I'll have to check one of our finished packs but I think it's a different format from memory
Got some I3 mushrooms and I5 leeks from Asda this morning so it looks like it's them. Mystery solved. Excitement over.
Lots of products will be dated with a Julian code when they were produced too so you can see how old they are. Essentially best before is exactly what it says best before a certain date but still safe to eat beyond the date but the quality may diminish. Use by is potentially food safety related and should be followed.
I generally trust my senses. It does go both ways sometimes though. I can't stand milk that's about to turn, for example, and I usually find that becomes noticeable two or three days before the use by.
It's always fun to find a pot of cream or similar hidden at the back of the fridge with the top open and with green fur to the top. Scrape it off and it's fine.
Confusion caused by: Sell by Date, Best by Date; Use by Date and all finished off with a smudged and indecipherable ink stain somewhere on the product. Additionally, at least over here, the format of the information is all over the place, so often, even if you can read it, you need to be a crypto analyst to understand what it means.
Look and smell is all you need - if it don’t look right don’t eat it - if it don’t smell right don’t eat it and if it’s both defo don’t eat it
I've got some Sarsons Vinegar that went out of date 7 years ago, I'm on the last splashes. I'm the only one in the house uses it, the missus won't let the kids have any incase it kills them....
Bugger the dates as Matt RC sez. I hate wasting food. Perhaps that why I'm rotund .Shut it Jud. With the alternative phrase lol.
Isn't the point of pickling and storing in vinegar that the items last way beyond their normal shelf life? Is there even a need for a date on pickled food, especially if it's unopened?
Presumably well insured. When you add up the life insurance, death in service pay out and unused pension pots, I am worth so much dead I really ought to employ a food tester in case my missus gets ideas.