I feel a bit Roman, Anglo Saxon and Norman. I'm particularly fond of the Norman era. I enjoyed my best conquest.
I often find patriotism for any country rather odd. Even down to smaller factionalism of region and town/city. There is good and bad everywhere, people of a nation are not uniform and consistent. Just as an individual is never constant. And have any of us spent sufficient time in every country as a lived experience to make a judgement as to where the UK sits in the world order.... But whats more, why does that even matter? I hear 'world leading' touted so often, pushed by the likes of the torygraph to ridiculous levels. Are some people in our nation so flimsy of spine that they have to feel superior to others? We're a little island that violated large parts of the world in centuries gone by. We were slave traders par excellence. We've undertaken some horrific acts in the name of progress. Just as many other nations have also done. There are plenty of things we've done quite well too, but frankly, what our country needs to do is transition and evolve in a beneficial way. Our planet, resources, wildlife and landscape are in grave peril. What happened in halcyon misty eyed days of yore is gone. What you do today and tomorrow is what matters.
We created the best institution in the world with the NHS, sadly and tragically it has been a political football with large sections of one of the 2 main political parties happy to see it privatised. I say that anyone who wants to see this happen is quite the opposite of patriotic. Please don’t tell me we can’t afford it, of course it needs modernising, proper investment etc, etc,
I watched all ‘Bald & Bankrupts’ vlogs on Russia with interest, and also currently watching Peter Santinello in the USA. Seems to me that both countries are just too huge and far flung for modern times. Gone is the localised industry and many towns are empty as a result,
A podcast I listen to discussed this topic a few weeks ago. One of the presenters said that someone he'd seen on twitter was banging the 'British Values being eroded' drum, and when he asked him what he meant by that, he said that bin men weren't as friendly as they used to be.
I agree on the whole T. But I think there are still more kind thoughtful people out there. But it doesn't get the publicity. Most kids across society are brought up with respect. Even us as teenagers had a few rogues. Know better than their elders so to speak. I lost my wallet in the ground at the sheff utd game recently. I had more cash than I normally carry. Nearly £300.. Most that I'd collected from Hoyland reds. It got handed in to the club. I offered to reward the person. £10 (Who I didn't know. But had to ask to put it to charity as it wouldnt be accepted.) I've no doubt most on here would champion their kids and grandkids than not. The me element is a fact. Thatcher I blame for that by decimating industries. I remember when all nationalised industries were around. Unions and their members supported one another. Unions are now strangled with legislation.
Don't forget you also have to talk slow-ly and del-iber-ate-ly, care-full-y stress-ing the syll-a-bles to make yourself easier to understand
This my friend was the whole point of my question, and no one has been able to answer it. We all know what our own values are, and think most of us are the same, but what are the British values of those people spreading misinformation on social media, and the likes of the rioter recently given a 9 year prison sentence, less than a year after being released from his previous spell inside? It just seems to be that many those that talk the most about ‘British values’ don’t value education or the law.
Definitely. I'd say that small-town America is culturally much closer to a lot of Russia than either country would like to admit. Just substitute Trump for Putin and cheap bourbon for vodka.
Modern britishness for me is taking offence on other people's behalf and people constantly wanting apologies(compensation) and their own way.
People I think have always been afraid of change. But I think they're more afraid now than they ever have been. The likes of Farrage and Tommy two names have weaponised that fear.
Large parts of the American Bible Belt are culturally closer to rural Afghanistan than they would ever admit.
Something to do with colonising countries populated with peaceful but primitive people, killing most of them and stealing all their wealth. Well i think it used to be that.
Absolutely and add to that, throwing a tantrum when they don't get their own way, whether that be via the ballot box or in a discussion. 100% modern Britain.