I agree on this , however the 11 labour MPs (and no doubt there'll be conservative ones that do aswell) who claim the second home heating allowance should really be seen to be leading by example and stating they won't be claiming it any more. Wait until university fees go up - that's another voting demographic who they've grinded the gears of!
I think what you are saying is that those who would qualify for the heating allowance if they made a claim would in fact be entitled to much more than just heating allowance on its own?
I think it's fair that people who can afford it bear the brunt of getting us back on our feet. The idea OAPs aren't fair game is madness IMHO, but I dunno how robust means testing is to make sure we don't have people who do need it slipping through. Devil in the detail innit.
Probably reform in present climate, or even a coalition, the country is in a mess and maybe that is the answer if they would work together like they did in wartime
I've said it in previous posts that it is dangerous to squash or stifle aspiration. If they tamper with personal pensions lump sums etc (which has been bandied about), then people will stop paying/paying as much into them (Me being one of them). To have people who have paid very little into their retirement provision and hardly worked be better off / on a par with someone who has done this is frankly a disgrace. The ones who have saved and looked after their money, could then end up getting less state pension if it becomes means tested - the state pension is classed as a benefit for a reason - that being that the entitlement to it can be altered at any given time by any government. I would imagine if you had a general election in the next fortnight, the results would be a whole lot different!!
A political party with membership, committees, delegates and AGMs. Ran on (flawed, I'll grant) democratic lines.
In favour of who? Edit I can see you’ve already answered this. Reform… yes I can see them being enlightened and benefitting the masses… Wow
You sure mate. Me and my mrs got £250 each. The person I mentioned got £250. It is age based as well. You get more at 80yrs of age. There used to be a cost of living payment abolished after 2023. To those on benefits. Got to admit the Gov. Website is a little confusing.
Who do you recommend. That will put the country to right. Genuine question. And btw how do you know everyone in your constituency. Even if only pensioners. I dont know everyone in mine. But I'm 100 % certain there will be some on both sides of the argument. Including pensioners. Of whom a lot of those I actually do know. Would happily give it up willingly if it helps others.
Bottled gas in the UK is way more expensive than in Spain, has been for years. When we got our new Motorhome I fitted a Gaslow refillable bottle so we fill up at petrol stations. It's about £1 a litre so about £2 a kilogram. For our old motorhome, it cost £20 to exchange a 3.9kg bottle, over £5 a kilogram- and you can't even get Calor gas outside the UK. In Spain last year we were getting lpg at 1 Euro a liter.