Been thinking about this last few days, a wonder if the government has given much thought to trying to turn early release prisoners into better people by offering them the chance of the forces or public services? Whilst a good chunk will return to there criminal lifestyles there’s always a success story to be had with people who w turned a corner…….depending on the severity of the crime I’d even be tempted to offer people lesser sentences if they did sign up to something like the forces but if they reneged they’d have to do there whole sentences……. Just a thought
You might be onto something here. Lets take the prisoners and make them join the French foreign legion when we let them out. If they fail, they are France's problem and if they succeed, they are also France's problem...
Be like purge soon. I know what my idea would be to do to the rapists and folk that run around with deadly weapons. That will save some space and some cash...
Amongst the wrong un’s inside there will be ‘some’ who have committed petty minor crimes that rightly deserve punishment but can probably be turned Into good law abiding citizens…….how many get released back into society disillusioned by life and the prison service? Surely an offer of a career and a salary compared to there disjointed life’s will tempt some into wanting to turn the corner
Would you want some guy thats been nicking cars for 10 years alongside you though and trusting them with your life?
Probably to be fair, as stupid as they are people in gangs or in the criminal underworld pride theirselves on loyalty, and that’s probably like most people in the fact of having camaraderie, like part of a football or rugby team, but as criminals they’re on the wrong team.
The armed forces are a disciplined, intelligent, highly skilled, highly motivated body of men and women. im constantly amazed when people suggest sending a few scrote bags into the forces is a good idea. it isnt 1939 anymore!
I'll go a step further. There will be those academic types or well behaved types that have fell into wrong crowd. Ended up inside for crimes that are neither here nor there but due to the blemish (black mark) against their name think all hope of a good life is lost. Maybe a pardon after some sort of service/ rehabilitation would aid reintegration? Dependant on the crime.
I would want anybody at the side of me who wants to be there, as you say there will be some folk who have committed petty crimes but to force them into something they have never pursued before or who have no interest in doing would be of detriment to the forces, maybe in the 50s but society, rules, discipline as changed so much for it to work in the modern day armed forces, as I've said before it's societies problem to sort out societies dross, not the militaries ( imo)
Maybe the old lags from decades ago might have been loyal to each other,but the drug addled villains of today would shop their grannys for a fix.
I’ve read loads of books over the years on British criminality, find it fascinating, and it’s often been mentioned by high ranking officers that lots of criminals are astute businessmen but on the wrong side of the law which Is sad really…… A don’t think forcing a prisoner into the services would be a good move and totally draconian but the offer of a better life away from crime must be attractive to some, how many times do you read of ‘ex’ convicts who say they wish they’d had the chance to better there lives……..