I recall going down last year on a Sunday and it was open, but they said it was a trial run to see if it was worth it. is it still open or did they knock it on the head?
They can afford to close given the prices Yes more fool me for paying it Thursday ..30 Quid for two red hats for the grand kids, no badge just Barnsley FC embroidered across the front You can certainly tell the club shop is no longer run in-house i bought 2 for 15 quid with the club/ town crest on last season I noticed on the way out..Toby Tykes 25 quid each Now that is taking the p**s don't you think.
Whose taking the ****? You paid it. You could have gone and got two hats from Barnsley market and stitched two Barnsley badges onto them. No point having a go at the prices you paid it you daft sod .
Hence the comment ..more fool me for paying it...lol the p***s comment was in relation to the price of Toby...
Better and cheaper unofficial Barnsley gear out there. Club are missing out by overcharging on things that aren't as good.
I couldn't believe the amount of unofficial gear being sold directly outside Old Trafford last week. I'm sure the Man Utd tourists will have lapped up those half n half scarves, but I can't imagine a Barnsley fan buying one (unless for a kid)
Tenner on the way in but I'm sure I heard the bloke shouting a quid a piece on the way out. Fair play to them all though, they were all trading to catch supporters leaving the stadium, not just entering it.
You think you’re a fool, eh? Would you change your mind if I was to tell you I was going to the club shop to buy the pink shirt, for myself
Normally find the club shop is closed at the times when most working people can actually get to it. A bit commercially inept.
I've been called worse Roy pmsl And yes I suppose iam a 2hat type of guy lol ...however the price was softened, when i saw the joy on the grand kids faces especially when the wife pointed out and reminded me that their dad is a Wednesday supporter. Which thinking about it ...makes 30 quid well worth it.....and the hats a bargain lol