I hope they do because there are some very illuminating comments on various threads regarding disillusion and disconnect. There are also some very good explanatory comments by some explaining why they are disillusioned and disconnected. The board, in some way, need to know the strength of feeling which is still I suspect a little noticed undercurrent for them. The link between the club and fan base is deteriorating and they need to do something and they need to listen to people, whether it be fans or people in the game with actual football knowledge.
I'd say it feels too much of a coincidence that things have been mentioned on here that we've overlooked, only for the media team to put out announcements. Remember the will you be attending oakwell next season under Collins debate only for Collins to be sacked after game 45 or whatever. Yes
You may be right. I dunno. But do they read the context or depth to some of these threads (if they do at all)? I dunno about that either. I dunno about lots of things actually but I always pretend I do.... Bottom line is they need to pick up on this gradual disconnect that's happening. Its worrying.
When this version of the board came in I'm sure they'd alluded to building bridges, regaining the trust of the fans and that the on field product would be a priority moving forwards and yet here we still are with them fully aware of the issues mentioned 2 years ago, granted the season under Duff pulled some of those things back around before we reverted to type again with our trademark self destruction.
Aye and the 'On the front foot/bums off seats' comments by the current coach seem a little hollow as well at the moment. Everything is deflating. I just wish they would have a look around and think what actually works and appoint a bloke as coach who they trust and can leave everything to. I suspect they might be trying to micromanage everything.
Yeah I think so. There's been loads of times were spelling mistakes/incorrect info on the official site has been quoted and ridiculed on here only for it to be changed 10 minutes later. Probably was Whitey though most of the time tbf.
This is the thing for me. We were sold a vision of attacking football by Clarke. Something more akin to the purple patch under Duff to cleanse the palate after the stifling boredom of Collins. And yet the last three games have been as bad as anything served up by Collins, worse in some respects as Collins played players in their respective positions, didn't decide on formations by rolling dice and at least seemed to have a (bloody boring!) gameplan. I'm just not seeing anything from Clarke that suggests he knows how to get the team attacking, playing on the front foot or even creating chances. I could have handled losing 2-0 to a frankly awful Huddersfield side of we'd gone there and actually given it a go. Attacked them, forced them to earn their three points. But we didn't. For the vast majority of that match we simply handed them possession and looked clueless as to how to get it back. We were inept both in and out of possession, no spark, no creativity and no guile. We didn't even match them for work rate which was always the least you would expect from a Barnsley side.
It's hard to argue against anything in this post, the only thing I can add is we've replaced Cole, Mcatee, Kane, Williams and Cadden with nothing like. We haven't addressed the LWB position in goodness knows how long, failed to sign strikers in months and months and borrowed a 1st choice goalkeeper 2 years running.
We don't have the players, the standard just isn't there. We could have Duff in charge and I don't think it would make much difference. Awful squad, full of very average players....... Connell is included in that, average.