Seen this on Facebook earlier, with a few Chelsea fans saying Torres for them... So, who is the worst player we've had that you loved anyway? M'voto springs to mind for me
Kenny Brown for me. He was a victim of some quite disgusting comments from the terraces in the 1970's. Subsequently, he became a big favourite of mine.
My first game was 76 and it became apparent that he was unpopular as every touch was greeted with boos from our supporters! He went on to be man of match and I think he won player of season. Funny old game
I'm assuming they mean in the context of him being rubbish most of the time and scoring a huge goal in the champions league for them when they won it for the first time? If so, in my lifetime, probably Odejayi for obvious reasons...
Regrettably, if this question resurfaces in a years time, I can see Donovan Pines being the top answer.
Had a lot of time for absolute disasters me. Bailey was a decent player, just knackered. And by far the best looker we've ever had.
Carl Dickinson was the one that sprung to mind straight away. Pretty limited who benefitted massively from Robins style of play but gave everything & was remembered fondly.