You know exactly why. It's been explained to you in this thread by a few posters already. As for those posters who can't remember that performance, give it time. Trump is now 1.03 to win - enjoy the ride boys and girls.
I can remember mate, at times it got quite bizarre but that was a few years so like I said previously I don’t think you can ban someone this time around just for making a prediction, But regarding the likely Trump win I still can’t get my head around how he manages to get himself into such a position of power yet again, it’s mind blowing the amount of gullible people in the US.
A bit disheartening that more Americans have chosen to vote for an indicted misogynistic orange rapist than a black woman - but also not surprising
I honestly don't think its just because they're racist. The amount of minorities that are voting Republican surprised me, especially some of his endorsements. Its looking like a disastrous result. Why oh why didn't they just have a primary. Michelle Obama would have beaten Trump, convincingly too imo.
I’m updating the firmware on my TV so that it only picks up Cartoon Network. Not sure I can face 4 years of the news cycle reporting whatever mad shìt Trump is doing that day.
Just said something similar…unfortunately he’s like a car crash, you know you shouldn’t look but you just can’t help yourself,
Trump is a big believer in crypto being the future, so he will have had that vote. Harris was a big part of the mess of the Biden presidency. It was a crazy decision to have her run.
Its looking like he might win the popular vote too ? Bizarre. I said other day i expected him to win - but certainly not the popular vote
But, but, but, the man’s fking unhinged and the barmy buggers have voted for him! What does that make them?
On a positive, he’s said if he gets in he’ll end the Ukraine/Russia war within 24hrs and he doesn’t lie, Putin must be rubbing his grubby hands together
So it turns out that African American men prefer to have a racist old white man as their president than a Woman who is part African American. Turkeys do indeed vote for Christmas or in this case Thanks Giving, especially misogynist ones.
The very best of luck to our super-statesmanlike Foreign Secretary maintaining the 'Special Relationship' with the bloke he described as a 'Neo-Nazi sociopath'.