Yea...they stated the US military uses private contractors etc. The senate wanted to know just where the peoples tax dollar was going and to what end. There are no answers and lots of clever accountants from clever land ...have failed to get to the bottom of the pentagons budget...I know the year before 9/11 that was 2.3 trillion dollars that went missing in defense I'm tipping it will be more now.
Just for context, mach 1000 is 1 tenth of the speed of light, an incredible speed. An object travelling at that speed would experience relativistic effects. I would expect an object moving at that speed in the atmosphere to burn up - unless they've got some unknown method of creating a vacuum immediately in front of it, unlikely to say the least. The acceleration required to reach such speeds in 5 minutes would be 116G, a force equal to 116 times that of gravity at the earth's surface. For comparison, the sun's gravity at it's visible surface is only 28 times the Earth's. Any living creature subjected to 116G would be squashed to a pulp. To keep the G-force down to a survivable level it would take 3 hours.
Now that does deserve the response it's going to get ........... a lot of people on here waste an hour and a half watching something akin to twaddle every Saturday. Sorry I couldn't resist.
Yea...I've done the physics too...the trouble with that is we are applying our knowledge to this situation and saying well it can't be done. Well it is been done...the human body can't cope with the mach speeds its just another ball game altogether. I've heard interesting theories how its achieved but I'm not bright enough to understand it all. I do have personal experience which I've put out on here before regards my ship hms invincible and our harriers trying to catch "lights" for two days back in the mid eighties...its why I became very interested in it all.
Sounds like a similar phenomenon to the WW2 "foo fighters" as reported by USAF fighter pilots. If they are aliens then they must be delinquents who get off on buzzing us earthlings. Seems like a massive waste of probably scarce resources just to get your kicks. Still I could be wrong.
Not sure what they are...but no military aircraft could get near them. Our ship launched harriers to intercept, as I mentioned and they couldn't get near them.....they were actually taking the p#ss with their speed and maneuverability then just buzzed off. Talking was agreed that they were nothing to do with our lot or to do with anything the Russians had.
Yea...they were tracked by radar...that's how we knew they were there but by in time in took two harriers to intercept they were putting on their show. Just as an aside when you have to go into war readiness which we were for this....there are always two "alert five" harriers ready to go....they are called that because already fueled and armed....its the time (5 minutes) it takes to get them in the air and off on their intercept.
Oh yea ....I was in the ops room second day when they were been tracked. On the radar....they just looked like 5 lights, so they had physical presence. On the radar (forgive me if you know all this) but on the console you put a marker over them and it tells you who or what they are (like a transponder would)...nothing showed up on screen...and I had to run down to the csptains cabin with a signal for him to authenticate. He not only did that ...he chucked his kit on and raced into the ops room! There was plenty of excitement and a few flapping...good fun.