I remember Torchie the battery boy... and hey what about Twizzle lol. Thats just an Only fools reference there!.
Chasing women and kids round the top tier at Wembley cos they were sore losers, yeah well 'ard. The one with the belly who got laid out and rolled down the seats was good comedy value though.
I remember the old school Millwall crew: Pervy Bob Mad Squirrel Lenny Four Eyes Evo Stik Divvy Wayne Alan the Paedo
I think the club let Panorama in as they promised to show them in a good light. It was quite controversial when it was first aired. Then there was the controversy that some of the fans were paid by the beeb when it was considered investigative journalists shouldn't pay. I think the three main ones got £20 each.
Nahh that's going back way too far, what was Noggin then ?. And to be honest, I really don't even know of Torchie and Twizzle either lol. I've no idea, so I'll ask my mate Mr Spoon.
Ah, but you don't know that for sure do you sir? How do you know they haven't joined the peace corps, joined the red cross, adopted bunny rabbits and taken up knitting?