Aye, remember the ads. Never tried it though. Some of the non alcoholic offerings these days though are very good.
Well I didn't properly try it, as I was just a kid then lol. Apart from just a swig or two!. But I remember drinkers in those days saying it was awful, and it never took off. These days however, the non alcoholic thing has come a long way, and yeah it is better now.
If you dont like Guinness you wont like the zero. Its just like the real thing. Best non alc drink going.
You've got me interested though lol, I might get some cans and try it. If I do, I'll let you know how it went. But cans aren't the same are they, as a proper cold pub draught pulled pint!.
I tried Brewdogs version at my sons on Christmas Eve. Considering it was from a can with no widget, it was very smooth. I’d say more bitter than Guinness, but very drinkable.
Same at the Rubgy Club I sometimes drink in. Incidentally, they bought a few barrels of the Brewdog thar Fired mentioned earlier and nobody could stand that.