Was speaking to a RAF nurse who works at Portsmouth QA and she was telling me ( which I didn't know) that the Flu jab is last years variant and a total guess based on historical yearly variants as to which other variant to put in. ( well not really a guess but what they think it also could be)
I'm in a similar situation, although as I don't presently live with my wife I couldn't find a legal route to me getting a jab last year, even though she is vulnerable and I spent 24 weeks of the year with her. Anyway, now I can pay for one I did (£98.95 at Boots), but I had to drive 50 miles to get it and it was the only appointment available at anywhere remotely near me for a month. So I'm not surprised the rates of jabs are low.
Maybe now they are selling it they can get pulled for false advertising. Chuffin snake oil with very nasty side effects. Some relatives all boosted up to the eyeballs for rona and flu and every single one of em ill as can be and 2 put in hospital with flu.
Wouldn't have it if you paid me 100 quid. I can understand why vulnerable might take it get boosted etc but not for me.
Yeah that's right, I had it November ish time awful spent 3 days shivering and sweating then 2 weeks coughing
It always is. Because it’s a very changeable virus vaccination development each year has to be something of an educated guess. They look at the variants circulating in the southern hemisphere during our spring and summer and then develop a vaccine to match those for our winter. And countries in the southern hemisphere look at the variants circulating in the north during their summer and our winter and develop a vaccine based on those variants. Which is why it isn’t 100 percent effective but it’ll almost certainly blunt the effects of flu, even if you end up catching a slightly different variant to the one you were vaccinated against. So definitely worth having if you’re eligible/older/vulnerable.
I’m not eligible for a free flu job but wanted one anyway - I’ve had flu once and I do not want it ever again thanks. I was very motivated and I am tech savvy, nevertheless it took more an unacceptable amount of time to find out how to get myself a jab via google. In the end I went to ASDA, like I say, the information was neither clear nor easily available on what do to do if you want a jab but don’t qualify for it free.
Lots of bounce back loans are now being paid back, and they're crippling hospitality in particular. It wasn't a handout (whatever landlords might say) - it was a weight.
I’m probably guilty of thinking flu was just people with bad colds exaggerating it. **** me I was wrong. I’ve never been properly ill in my life. I had a head cold after getting Covid the first time & have had loads of colds but nothing serious. Never anything to keep me off school or work. But this new flu strain had me in bed for 4 days straight. It had me thinking my days were numbered it was that bad. If there is a flu vaccine I can get in the future I’ll be putting my hand up for a dose.
Just prior to Covid, I started to pay for an annual flu jab. A work colleague - who like myself, was self employed and also approaching 50 - stated its importance to me as we didn't get paid if we didn't work. It was pretty easy to source an appointment with a local pharmacy (via well.co.uk) and I think the outlay was about £13. Doing this - I believe - is pretty much a no brainer for anyone who doesn't get sick pay.
But companies that are still trading now have huge liabilities to pay back. Point is, bounce back loans weren't a handout. They're f**cling expensive, and nobody would have taken one if it hadn't been necessary.