Get your free pint. You have to be in the venue you choose at the time you wish to redeem your voucher. Plenty of well known tarn venues taking part. You won't get drunk, but quit moaning it's a freebie
I don’t understand the point in alcohol free beer , gin etc. I like a drink of beer, wine, whiskey etc but if you take the alcohol element out it tastes pretty poor, or to the point horrible . It’s like offering up fat free chips or sugar free chocolate , basically pointless. You may as well have a nice soft drink like an elderflower cordial.
Agree. Having a short sabbatical after a very boozy streak lasting from Christmas day until about January 3rd. Had a home-made ginger ale (non-alcoholic) tonight then moved on to Punk AF. Whilst it smells like proper beer, it tastes like Punk diluted 50/50 with fizzy water. Managed half a can before going back to my ginger drink. Having said that, I'd still rather drink alcohol-free craft IPA than a regular pint of Carling or Heineken. I'm assuming that the alcohol free versions of the mass lagers are diabolical. I once had a bottle of alco-free Amstel and nearly threw up. Horrific stuff.
I agree with the Gin, Whiskey, wine But alcohol free lager as come a long way since Kaliber San Miguel one is actually nice & drinkable. However Guinness 0% is horrible
Quite like the Guiness 0%! The Big Drop ones are nice too. Sometimes they do the trick when I want a beer but really shouldn't have one.
Yes I’d agree that some stuff like Lucy Saint vaguely tastes like lager….but….is it actually nice ?! I’m not really convinced it is ! Each to their own I guess , I just don’t really understand it. As @Tyketical Masterstroke will testify, give me a lovely elderflower cordial any day of the week
Alco-free "spirits" are the ones which really confuse me. Alco-free beers I definitely get - if you want a midweek hop hit or a refreshing lager when you're driving or whatever. And they have come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years compared with the days of Kaliber. I just don't think they're quite there yet. But spirits? They're pretty much half alcohol. If you remove it, what exactly is left? I get that they're supposed to flavour mocktails, but can't you just use juices, herbs, spices etc, rather than something which is distilled, then has the majority of the result of the distillation process forcibly removed? For starters the production costs must be absolutely astronomical.
There are some decent tasting alcohol free beers now mate. I wouldn't drink them by choice but if I was out with friends in the pub and driving, I'd much rather drink one of them than lemonade or cola etc.
There's some good ones these days. The alcohol free Guinness and Corona don't taste too dissimilar to the real thing. Though I find they give me dry mouth, so after a couple, I'd have to switch to a cordial or coke. Though the Heineken one being offered in the OP isn't one of the good ones.
Any recommendations? Ghost Ship is probably the best I've found so far but I can still only manage one or two cans before it starts to get unpleasant.
Nonsense some AF taste decent now and like you I like a drink but medical advice is telling me I can’t drink! No way I’m drinking Diet Coke all day or night
You’ve got that wrong way round surely AF is great and I’m not normally a Guiness fan I prefer a proper stout
Some are better than others. Alcohol free Guiness is decent as is the Erdinger version. I’d rather have a couple of those if visiting a pub while driving than pop like coke for example.