Here's a link to our kits going back to 2000, and they are both good and bad aren't they lol. I still prefer the so called plain and boring kits though, and we should be a red n white kit team at home. And it's same away as well, we should be a white n black kit team away.
Nike ones by far the best. A few Puma ones have been decent the last 2-3 years have been embarrassingly bad.
To be fair, we've had some decent away kits over the years. Home kit should always be red shirts with minimal white trim, white shorts, red socks. None of this arty farty patterned rubbish for me!
Lotto was the high point for me. I associate the Admiral ones with better times. Puma have been the best quality and most customised. The rest, pretty awful.
I know I keep saying it, but the 'plain' kits with little or no trim, are the ones I like the most. And although it brings back bad memories of those years, I still like the I-Soft kits in the early 00's. Especially the '02 season away kit, with the Derby style white n black away kit!.