Anyone ever watch these self help videos on you tube? There was this one guy named LFA that came across as half decent. Church goer, decent neighbour looks after himself. However, when you go back through his catalogue he's just a contradictory, misogynistic prat.
Some of them remind of those pastors who say giving money means whoever donates will find even more wealth later on in life. There's that one bloke who literally looks like a demon mate, has about 3 private jets, an island, etc, it's a right con
This is the guy mate. Absolutely mental how many people turn out to see him in their thousands, proper scam
I was after genuine guidance. Sickens me how hypocritical these guys are. (Would never have parted with any money).
Just been a bit lonely. Combination really. Slow on here. Being a pillock and my ban. See George once a fortnight and can't afford away game etc. Takes it's toll. Only so much walking and ironing you can do.