I understand why they’re targeting that area, however I would love to see Wellington Street area get some love.
I think there are plans to create a town centre park from the old BHS building up to Wellington street in the master plan so it's probably being allowed to deteriorate because anyone wanting to invest would be advised of the plan by the solicitors and put off
I just hope whatever development and potential success is sustained. We don't need an expensive white elephant town centre, while the rest of the borough is left to ruin. I'm glad of all this development though. At least for the entertainment it brings me from reading all the inevitable morngy Facebook comments
Plans look good but let's hope they don't switch the lights off it all when the novelty wears off like the Glassworks square.
A think I’ve seen reports about demolishing the BHS building before but not up to Wellington Street cos there’s a full row of shops on Market Street, and the old entrance to M&S which I suspect at some stage will get developed into something
I think it is pretty good what they have done so far. Apart from the stupid amount spent on Nudgers bridge.
Demolishing the former BHS was included in some wider plans, but it was more of a proposal and long-term goal than something expected to happen soon. In fact, I can confirm that Superdrug is being relocated (not sure where to yet) so that the two units on the ground floor of that building (formerly New Look & Superdrug) can be merged into one larger unit.
Both lifts have been out of action for weeks so there is no disabled access from the Market gate car park. Also the surface is rutted and whichever company that did it should be on with the job of resurfacing it
Apparently the sutface meets the Highway Standards fit for purpose test? (Probably looking at the section that deems what and what is not a pothole).. However; pass or not, it's still atrocious.
Be nice if M&S reopened in the town centre.We don't need a food hall but a clothes department would be great,especially for folks of a certain age. I find M&S sell very good quality attire and its a pain having to go to Meadowhall to shop there. M&S come back home.