What's me thinking Labours spell in power has started badly in the UK got to do with people referring to Trump been re elected as terrifying? It's not that scary mate the world keeps spinning.
Concerning. I can’t say for sure because I wasn’t as interested in US politics prior to 2016, but I’m sure Trump more likely ran on promise of change rather than revenge.
Aye the world is great now isn’t it. Not like we had a global pandemic that might have been preventable if he didn’t close infectious disease research labs or escalation in the middle east and russia as a direct result of his actions. It was fine last time…
Britain's finest were at the Inauguration hoping to "make America great again" Suella Braverman, Nick Candy, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Priti Patel, Faridge, and his sponsor Banks to name but a few. The same people who have buggered up Britain with their "get Brexit done".
I think the main reason Putin invaded Ukraine when he did was Brexit, agent Johnson did all the hard work for him.
Obviously not entirely no, but he certainly escalated both issues. Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem was a move by him that directly escalated tensions in the middle east. His weakness in dealing with Russia and Putin and cozying up to him/them certainly provided them with an opportunity to bully ukraine and then escalate it. If he goes through with his promises this time of leaving NATO, every former soviet country will be at risk.
Not sure why so many are going for Trump. He's not the problem (he'll be dead soon). The 'problem' is the US, and the reluctance of English Politicians and the English people to get off their knees, remove their tongues from American arses and forge a better future.
Hardly...UK have been supporting and training Ukr forces since 2014....Two weeks before Putin invaded, Johnson sent Ukraine 2000 anti tank and anti aircraft missiles, on the week of the invasion another 2000 followed...at that stage no-one in the world including the US had sent more. Its more likely that Putin thought he'd got Europe by the balls with Nordstream 1/2 and cheap gas for Germany, and a trusted Russophile in Chancellor Scholz in the Bundestag.
I'm usually 100% on board with you but you can't seriously be suggesting Trump turned Covid into a global pandemic?
Obviously not entirely, but early on during his first presidency he bragged about how many “expensive and unnecessary” US funded infectious disease labs he closed down, whose job was to detect, study and contain new viruses. Some of these were located in China. We will never know how much of a difference that would have made, but it certainly didn’t help.
Some proper tin foil hattery going on in here. That Windass goal at Wembley was Trump's fault as well. Jon Russell was too busy thinking about the unconstitutional steel tariffs which Trump signed into law in 2018. Because of this he forgot to track the runner, and here we are still stuck in League One. Fuucking Trump.