Harrogate put ours up by a ridiculous amount when the borough council was taken over by North Yorkshire. My April 2023 bill asked for monthly payments of £120. Its currently over £170 per mth, and this is for a two-bed flat. I’m not looking forward to the next sting.
Given Barnsley council have suffered massive cuts in central funding during the lifetime of tory rule. (An estimated £1.5 billion) The rise is understandable if not welcomed.
The issue in North Yorkshire wasn't helped by a freeze on council tax in the early 2010's that cost millions to buy votes before 2015. Not the best idea while Cameron was forcing austerity and slashing budgets to cut the only income that the authority had a bit of control over.
This^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Of course they're going to raise council tax, how are they going to fund the Metropolitan?
I think it's really nice walking down the street and seeing all the pretty colours, blue, brown, grey. It's like Christmas
https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4gpz6w3v6eo How much as it gone up in Barnsley over the last say ten years? Kirklees Council keep putting it up 5%, but for years it barely changed. So if they had increased it gradually to current price there would be less uproar than years of no or little rise followed by years of max 5 percent rises.
At least they're making lots of money from fines. Barnsley is top of the league in something https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4gxknlyewlo
Inexplicably, my brown recycling bin still hasn't been emptied from it's usual collection day of Tuesday this week. It's like they just aren't even bothered about doing the job anymore. Bizarre.
Our blue bins the same. Been out since Tuesday last week, grey bin emptied Tuesday just gone. BMBC say they have "additional resources" to help them catch up, but not much sign of them around here.
Became a unitary, which HBC wasn't. So got the bottomless pits of social care, education and highways now (although there was always a proportion of the ctax that went to NYCC previously). No such worries when it was HBC. HBC also carried huge cash reserves which have been swallowed up by NYC now.
We’ve been away for a year but i am making weekly visits to the flat in preparation for sale. The town just seems to have gone downhill since the change and I’m sure everyone else will be as annoyed about the hike in council tax as I am. It still rates highly on the “desirable places to live list” but it’s turning into the kind of place where you need a massive income to live here (even more than it was before).
Our brown bins been out nearly 3 weeks. Remember if your ringing BMBC regarding your council tax, it's not the poor staffs decision, don't take it out on them.
The former Selby District put in a decent chunk as well as we were getting a green subsidy for Drax that none of the rest on North Yorkshire was but that now goes across the authority. I'm a Cllr on the authority so I can't say too much but it's been an eye opener... Its Tory led so they don't say much either but the Truss disaster cost the authority millions.