"The issues with the keeper are as much to do with how much confidence the defence has in him" Tbf that's pure speculation isn't it?
It's what the evidence of my eyes told me re Slonina and Killip. Now we'll find out if Gauci is better than Slonina in that regard.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall at our recruitment meetings... "Right then Mladen, it's your turn to put the blindfold on. Darrell, theres a pack of 130 football stickers there - pin them to the board and Mladen will throw the first dart" "can all the other coaches look away, no helping. Connor, ssshhh don't tell him where the strikers are " "3-2-1, it's a keeper. Oh he's a new one, must be a new pack of stickers, never heard of him. Stats look ok, 3 games and he's only an apprentice so good for the National Minimum Wage" "Your up next Darrell, hang on Neerav's on the blower" "Unfortunately, we've just found out he's a Premier league keeper, so we've no more budget, it's 8m to keep the lights on. Put the darts down Darrell."
Yeh but to put him in charge of this defence,could make or break him,we can't keep crosses from coming in,maybe new lad can hopefully catch them or punch them clear.
Tie my kangaroo down boys Tie my kangaroo down Tie my kangaroo down boys Tie my kangaroo down Welcome t'tarn joe
Smith on a 5 year deal is the strange signing for me, like Fonzie says if we are skint we should be prioritising every single penny for the here and now.
Didn't we learn anything with the Slonina signing, as unfortunately for us and him, it just didn't work out. Now we're taking exactly the same 'risk' again, its a surprising choice to be honest. Although I admit that all signings are a risk, of some sort.
That won’t happen. They want smith to get game time. They’ll run down Killips contract with him on the bench. For what’s it’s worth I think he’s been our best player over the last 2 games. Which says to me it’s others not doing their job properly rather than Ben!
Yeah and in fairness, we got lucky and he did really well with us. But he's just been in the treatment room at West Brom since then.
Conway wanted Oulare at the time, and Dane Murphy had to fight to get Duke instead. Conway got his man eventually though, and also found a way to overpay him massively to do absolutely nothing.